General Mark Milley Admits Trump Was Being Managed By Administrative State Group Who Run Government, Mike Pompeo and Mark Meadows Assisted

“Years of agonizing and frustrating reviews and analysis of the Trump administration activity in real-time are reconciling today.  During Senate testimony today before the Armed Services Committee, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman, General Mark Milley, clarified some very painful issues to accept.  President Trump was being heavily managed by operatives of the Senior Executive Service (SES), and his inner circle was willfully participating…

…For the January 8th phone call with General Lee of China, Milley stated he informed President Trump’s Chief-of-Staff Mark Meadows and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.  Keep in mind that Kash Patel has publicly stated General Milley did not inform Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller directly; at least to his knowledge.  So, Milley’s secondary point about notifying Christopher Miller in January 2020 needs to be reconciled carefully…

…The first call, driven by U.S. Intelligence Community alarms, was made in October, before the election.  Then another call was requested by the Chinese on December 30, 2020, for scheduling on January 8, 2021, after the U.S. election.   Note this important statement surrounding the January 8th call: Shortly after my call ended with General Lee, I personally informed Secretary of State Pompeo and White House Chief of Staff Meadows, about the call – among other topics.”

Notice who General Milley did not inform.  General Milley did not inform President Trump, nor his national security advisor Robert O’Brien. This framework appears intentional; however, when you overlay what we previously suspected and outlined about Mark Meadows and Secretary Pompeo, it all makes sense.

Just like many other people who preceded them in the administration, Meadows and Pompeo were in place to manage President Trump.  Unfortunately, accepting that reality brings with it a bunch of very concerning issues.

We’ve long suspected Mark Meadows was introduced into the Trump orbit specifically because the Fourth Branch was exerting influence and needed to mitigate any independent action by President Trump.  This is the same scenario around introducing former CIA Director Mike Pompeo for the same purposes…

Mark Meadows was the source of frequent leaks against President Trump including his health status during his COVID hospital stay.  Mark Meadows was also the primary source for John Solomon when Meadows was in congress.  [Solomon made this admission during a podcast.]  During the peak of the 2018 “spygate” headlines, prior to the mid-term election, it became obvious that Solomon was being managed and steered in his reporting.  It always appeared that Meadows was attempting to tamp-down outrage within the Trump base in order to manage it.  John Solomon and the tick-tock club were a big factor in the success of that approach.”

Read the entire article here…

I have no words for this betrayal.

About Hammers Thor
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3 years ago

They are always in charge one way or another .yet here we are ..Pray hard , get Spiritual Armor on the get Fit ..pray without cease , tough times make tough people

3 years ago

As any newcomer, or “outsider” to DC, I’d assume President Trump expected to be surrounded by Patriots who were honorable, ethical, and revered the Constitution, as did he.
It must have been a bitter pill to come to the realization that honest, ethical people in that swamp were extremely few and far between.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago
Reply to  1guido2

I would have thought Trump knew what the deal was. He did hang with the elite crowd. He had to have known.

3 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

Bought and paid for to the tune of 1 billion dollars. You don’t get that kind of bailout and not owe someone. Nope. Not in any world.

3 years ago

This is no surprise to me regarding Meadows. I always saw him as a Trojan Horse within the Freedom Caucus. Trump’s biggest failing is his need to be liked. Very little of what he ran on was delivered during his first two years or even an attempt to deliver.
Fail # 1, not picking Kobach for head of DHS, rather he picked a left leaning swamp creature and continued to surround himself with them. Kobach had a plan in place from day one to gain control of the border, but neither he nor Sessions liked Trump’s obsession with amnesty for DACAs. It was only after considerable outrage about the border that Trump did anything meaningful after two years of NOTHING. Sessions was the only one attempting anything and he had to fight Trump on many occasions. When Sessions said DACAs were not exempt from deportation, Trump chastised him, then sent Kelly to tell the House how disappointed he was in them for doing nothing to amnesty DACAs. Trump did nothing until the states said they would not delay their lawsuit and forced Trump to act. I live 65 miles N of the border, this is my issue.
What Trump ran on was rock solid. You can’t surround yourself with snakes and not expect to get bitten.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago
Reply to  Zhenna

His biggest mistake was not going after Hillary for treason. He had her nailed with arming terrorist in Libya and he let her skate. This would have been a rabbit hole that could have delivered all the swamp. With a punishment of death. All of DC knew what happened and why an ambassador was in a shady part of a war zone meeting terrorist.

I do not disagree on the border either. But cleaning the swamp would have taken care of that.

If you all ever get tired on waiting on the government to do their job. Maybe you should call on the only authorized force in the Constitution to repel an invasion.

3 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

Excellent point.

3 years ago

This is very disappointing…In fact if you look back DJT really failed a lot he never arrested anyone. He did a few good things for the economy but all he did mostly is divide us even more than we were. Now for the most part we are leaderless and that is just the way they (our enemies) want us. Some very serious stuff is going down as we speak and it isn’t good for America or Americans. DJT is having rallies and the lawyers are having audits the Chinese are running our government and no one except those that are paying attention care. Christmas is coming and you know all that goes along with it too much fun to have to get bother by a little voter fraud and no law and order.

3 years ago

War certainly to anyone who has experienced it is Hell. But it never sneaks’ up on the scene it is always preceded by signs unmistakable. A ruling class that has become a profession unto itself where the self serving political opportunist has ceased to hear the voice of those that elected them. None of us here are surprised that we are at the place we are today we have seen the underpinnings of war for a long time. This is not by mistake it is a long planned operation and meticulously executed to bring us right to where we are today. A place perfectly made for war for when war finally rolls onto the scene, by war I mean wholesale state nullification of federal law. rejection of authority by major portions of the populace. It is the next step anyone who doubts it is either hoping it all goes away or they are afraid to admit it but it is coming faster than winter in fall. It is kind of comforting to know that we have truth and God on our side but it is necessary to stop evil, WAR as bad as it is thing that works for removing lies and evil when applied by righteous Men always works . God help us all we are in for one heck of a winter