General Michael Flynn Issues Emergency Message to Humanity

An outstanding interview… perhaps the best I’ve seen with General Michael Flynn. Worth the time.

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1 year ago

I watched this interview twice and agree that the general is correct. Too many people use the excuse of it is politics, instead of engaging with the enemies of the people. These enemies are the ones that take away our liberties and destroy our country and along the way have no conscience in destroying other countries and murdering their citizens-think Victoria Nuland and her allies.

1 year ago
Reply to  Deborah

Practicing politics when a government is not only working against a people, but have overtaken them through institutional usurpation, limiting and criminalizing free speech, deplatforming videos, various platforms, books, political activism, freedom of movement, withholding being medically informed and rightful legal and governmental representation, ensuring that the arts are over represented by the satanic (when the number of non-satanic artists outnumber those dominating the industry and are locked out of pursuing such), denial of the ability to earn a decent living, and deteriorating living conditions, infrastructure, real instruction as pertains to needful skills one will need throughout their life and to succeed, and the training and conditions to put them to use, without these attributes in helping to navigate one’s life, the question becomes what kind of politics are actually at work in one’s existence, and the focus must necessarily shift from politics (because they’re not ‘your’ politics) to a corrective course of action. It’s on to something else…

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

Here is the thing.
Elon Musk = “He is doing a service for the world.” For his country.”
i was led to do a dive (deep dive?) into Elon many years ago approx. 11yrs.
And as Glenn Beck had been saying, look into their past, their wives etc.
Have watched him for some time.
Things that bother me. He and his connections,
“Pay pal mafia.” Just a joke, just a name? Look at what has came from it. Look at what it has given aid too.
Cashless society? Digital currency? etc.
Ai. while simultaneously warning about Ai, He and his associates are the ones behind it and creating it.
Star link? just the name should make us wonder and ask questions.
His government contracts and endless connections?
His non stop yearning to reach the stars and mars? Reminds me of someone else who yearned for control of the universe.
Electric cars? Fully onboard, will stop at nothing to save us and the planet. Just look at the man’s own words and Quotes.
Iron man? Tony stark? Based on Elon Musk? Does this bother anyone?
Black sabbath ? Yeah i will take you there.
Names of his rockets, names of his missions? Does this matter? Do not the alarm bells go off?
Peter Thiel? Another one perhaps as spooky or even more so.

Last edited 1 year ago by a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Hammers Thor


1 year ago

Re: Prophetic Dream:

“The Invasion Of America (USA) by China & N. Korea” -- Jessica Smith

“Sounds of War… America Invaded!

Dream: I was in my house with my family. My husband, children, and mother. Suddenly we heard the SOUNDS OF WAR outside our door. Bombs, chaos, Earth shakings.

News Stations Going Wild

We ran to the T.V. and turned on the News. The News was in chaos! The News Reporters were going crazy trying to report. “AMERICA HAS BEEN INVADED! America has been invaded!!” They all exclaimed wildly. They showed videos of the streets filled with Arabs cheering and waving what looked like the Iranian flag, celebrating the invasion of America. I saw what could have been thousands upon thousands waving the this flag.

They Took Over The T.V.

Suddenly,THE T.V. WENT BLANK! There was only fuzz. A moment later it came back on, but running an old black and white comedy show. We flipped through every channel and they were ALL old black and white comedy shows. I knew exactly what happened. I knew this was deliberate. They did not want us watching the News.

Soldiers Demand Allegiance To New Government

That very hour Asian Soldiers were pounding at our door. I opened up for fear of them breaking it down. Two Asian soldiers stood at my door, one holding papers for us to sign. They spoke harsh Accented English. They were rude, hurried and stern. They demanded that every person in our house sign those papers pledging our allegiance to the NEW NORTH KOREAN GOVERNMENT in America, while renouncing our American Government!! They explained that America was invaded and taken over by China, and that North Korea was going to occupy (at least our territory).

Should We Sign The Papers??

I took the papers and told them I would discuss it with my family. I was only trying to put them off. They seemed more diplomatic than murderous. I shut the door on them, not knowing if they would just break it down. I quickly showed my family the papers. We decided that we would NOT sign the papers if they required us to renounce JESUS. We would face Death before ever renouncing Christ. BUT, if the papers did NOT require us to renounce Jesus, we would sign in order to stay alive. We are NOT die hard Patriots. We are die hard Kingdom Christians. I will NOT hand my children over to be martyrs for America, but ONLY for Jesus. We all agreed this was the right thing.”

1 year ago

This is largely a non-descript delivery in that the guest is largely talking around things, rather than positing specifics and stating realizable courses of action applicable to people’s daily lives. In other words people would have to read into it, with regards to ‘taking a stand’.

1 year ago

Besides the practical and obvious threats we now face, America and Americans, I have this nagging sorrow for our warriors of the past who NEVER shirked their responsibilities to defend this country for “we the people.” At great personal cost they sacraficed all to keep secure our freedom and liberties. Yet, with all the discussion that now circulates I have not heard anyone mention the debt we owe to ourselves as well as our warriors, past and present. We shirk our part to preserve our country with apathy and disconnectedness. We enjoyed all the freedoms earned for us, and now that we’re “up” everyone seems to be content to adjust and comply. We do not seem to want to grab the baton of opposition. Not for ourselves, our prodgeny or the thousands upon thousands of American warriors that did MEET the Challenges and kept us free. We owe their memory, their efforts, their sacrafices a debt we haven’t begun to repay, save those who still defend us. It’s sad, but it’s my opinion.

1 year ago

There is no “we the people”. Why stand for a country that wasn’t theirs to begin with? That’s akin to wanting patriotism on the cheap (fixing their problems, of those essentially created by and for the elites, as things spiral out of control, which in all likelihood would rebound on the people who still were unable to alter their own plights). When all the systems that were supposed to work on their behalf having been allowed to be redirected to serve the elites, why is there even an expectation that the people will continue to fight their wars? If there is to be a people’s government, it has to be separate from the current institutions. It’s not feasible to maintain the duality of an opposing governing hierarchy along with those not in the know, the uneducated and dumbed-down, or in merely acquiescing to ‘authority’.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

i believe many of us were taken in by the pride, patriot mindset. Once this pride is busted, our views greatly change. Speaking from my own exp.
They use the “church.” This should be obvious to a few more by now.
When they sang to Obama as he was inaugurated? What a wake up call this was. Any president, any leader, this would bother me.

1 year ago

I feel like the Patriot Movement was another secret society group in many respects, as well as an optimum divide and conquer strategy. It was selective (for those who would follow established protocol, and not think outside of the conservative box), much like the presidency being controlled opposition, and not really a people’s movement. Flag-saluting, fervently reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, touting the Constitution but without real change to that effect, rather only being personally versed in it, holed up with their guns wanting to just be left alone in their hyperindividualism as the country deteriorated, not at any time considering that civic understanding and responsibility not understood and practiced by the majority or most, would result in their downfall as well. This applies to economics, arts, education, medicine, science, food, technology, and the corporate Christian church system, and acquired skill-sets of the citizenry (also re: emphasis on who fills the military positions as well). The patriots were essentially co-opted by the Freemasons (who run the churches and direct much conservative rhetoric) and their agendas whether they realize it or not as an extension of hidden, proxy elitism, rather than in displaying grassroots independence. Who in effect did they actually serve in essence? They served and ultimately emboldened the powers that be by being stratified and limited in their reach and manner of organization. They were managed.

1 year ago

Yah know this sickens me to no end do any of you here realize this guy Gen Flynn has been in Military intelligence for 35 years? For Pete’s sake he IS the deep state and there is no Republic that he speaks of . There hasn’t been an election in this country in 100 years that they didn’t win if they wanted to. This is more BS for the ongoing psyop keeping us from taking a stand which is the only thing he said that was worthwhile . But this guy is a lying Freemason demon infested Imposter just Like Dump Is Plain to see if you look and stop listening to the BS.

1 year ago

I believe that General Flynn is an honest, sincere, patriotic and intelligent American. However, having said that, I don’t think his plan to save America by reforming our local, state and federal governments, by using traditional and peaceful methods of citizen initiated action, can possibly work. Why not?
Firstly, because the current political situation of rampant treason is now so blatant and dangerous, there is simply not enough time to put his plan in place before America is totally destroyed by the numerous traitors presently in control of the federal government. Secondly, because of the various rigged election processes now in place in many of America’s major local and state governments, these same governments are now totally controlled by gangs of entrenched, treasonous felons making reform impossible.
America’s foreign enemies are not only at her gates, but her very worst enemies -- traitors -- are already in her gates. General Flynn, you know what must be done. Don’t you?