and we pray George the demon sodomite dies of aids infection and his body decays and rots. his brain is infected with homo demon rot and there is no hope for this fool.
9 years ago
Who cares what this rice propelled a--hole think? Thomas is one of, if not the, most intelligent person on the court. Oh, now I’m racist? Tough s--t.
J Dubya
9 years ago
When he’s through pounding ass, Mr. Takei may then go pound sand. The Gaystapo may think they’re on a roll but, they’re on course to meet the Immovable Object.
and we pray George the demon sodomite dies of aids infection and his body decays and rots. his brain is infected with homo demon rot and there is no hope for this fool.
Who cares what this rice propelled a--hole think? Thomas is one of, if not the, most intelligent person on the court. Oh, now I’m racist? Tough s--t.
When he’s through pounding ass, Mr. Takei may then go pound sand. The Gaystapo may think they’re on a roll but, they’re on course to meet the Immovable Object.