George Zimmerman in bandages the day after he killed Trayvon Martin, a neighbor says

epa03181733 Circuit Judge Jessica Recksiedler holds a status hearing in the second degree murder case against George Zimmerman  in Sanford, Florida, USA, on 13 April 2012. Attorneys are asking for a bond hearing 20 April and for Recksiedler to remove herself from the case because her husband is a member of a law firm whose founder is a legal analyst on television. Zimmerman has been charged in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in February 2012 in Sanford, Fla.  EPA/TOM BENITEZ / POOL

Judge Jessica Recksiedler should be replaced in  the George Zimmerman case, says defense attorney Mark O’Mara.

SANFORD, Fla. _ George Zimmerman was wearing bandages the day after he killed Trayvon Martin, his neighbors said, boosting his story that he was injured in a life-or-death scuffle with the teenager.
Jorge Rodriguez, Zimmerman’s next-door neighbor, told Reuters that Zimmerman “had two big, butterfly bandages on the back of his head, and another big bandage on the bridge of his nose.”The severity of Zimmerman’s injuries are key to his defense under Florida’s Stand Your Ground self-defense law.

Zimmerman says Trayvon jumped him on Feb. 26, broke his nose and pounded his head into the ground. Zimmerman said he fired his weapon in fear of his life. Police video taken about an hour later, after Zimmerman was attended to by paramedics, appeared to show him unmarred. But several neighbors told Reuters he looked battered the next day. “I saw two bandages on the back of his head, and his nose was all swollen up,” said one witness.

Meanwhile, Zimmerman lawyer Mark O’Mara formally requested a new judge in the second-degree murder case because Judge Jessica Recksiedler’s husband’s law partner is paid by CNN to analyze the case. “I hope it gets done immediately. I want a judge in this case so I can have a bond hearing,” O’Mara said.

Zimmerman, who was arrested last week for shooting the unarmed 17-year-old, is “frustrated” at being in jail, O’Mara said. His family has yet to visit, he said. “He’s standing in his cell — 10 feet by 10 feet,” O’Mara said. “He’s biding his time. Waiting to get out.”

Zimmerman faces life in prison if convicted.


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12 years ago

At first I wasn’t into the self defense but the news hasnt told everything for instance the kid was talking to his girlfriend and he said he wasn’t backing down.He felt he was being followed and its a racial thing from day one! What gets to me is that Zimmerman isn’t white so how does anyone make him racist? There is no room in my world for racism? I think it is the past and I’m sick and tired of racism always being the first thing yelled! Grow up people and be an adult! Yes I’m a white person and NO I don’t buy into anything dealing with racism! My kids had all colors stay with them and are best friends so get off this BS and grow up!!!!!!