With the world once again gripped by the latest Middle East snafu in which suddenly every Gulf State has found itself in the worst diplomatic crisis with Iran in 30 years which, incidentally, started after Saudi Arabia executed a Shiite cleric in its biggest mass execution yet, unleashing righteous Iranian anger at its action, many have forgotten – if only temporarily – about Europe’s biggest crisis at the moment: the onslaught by over one million refugees, who are desperate to escape from the political disaster that are the broken states of Syria and Iraq.
The same migrants who are unwelcome not only across most of Europe, but increasingly more at the country which started the entire migrant exodus in the first place: Germany.
According to AP early on Monday, gun shots were fired at a home for asylum seekers in western Germany and one resident was lightly injured, police said.
The shots were fired at a window of the building in the town of Dreieich at around 2.30 a.m (0130 GMT), and one hit a 23-year-old asylum seeker who was sleeping,according to police in Offenbach, near Frankfurt. He was taken to a hospital, but was able to leave shortly afterward.
This is a first…not a last. Germany and France are slowly succumbing to widespread resentment of all things islam, and with good reason. Britain, too, is ready to boil over, as a continuous flow of islamic violence, and abuse of the host communities by immigrant-muslims, continues to rise across the country.
It is only a matter of time before such events become common here in America, as well. We have already seen covereage of several anti-muslim acts in recent months, and a watershed moment is not far off… which will catalyze anti-muslim (and possibly a more general anti-immigrant) sentiment into a rising inferno of attacks and counter-attacks; all of which will give Fed.Gov all the excuse it wants to take violent action against those it considers “domestic terrorists”.
The implications are profound, and not limited to any particular place or nation -- a multi-contestant showdown is coming, between those of secular-statist (Communist), islamic-statist (Daesh and Hezbollah), Nationalist (Fascist/Nazi) and Liberty forces, as all are forced into more and more radical and warlike postures -- by egregious acts committed by various parties; by economic and social circumstances which, to all appearances, are being heavilly manipulated by various interests; and by the massive undercurrents of public opinion which are responding to all of the above.
A conflagration is indeed coming, and the whole world shall face it, whether we wish it or not.