- MuslimStern compared women to ‘naked antelope’ presented before ‘lions’
- The group said banning alcohol in Germany would help resolve the issue
- German women were told to dress like the Virgin Mary and not Lady Gaga
- The group accused the women of being responsible for their own attacks
Germany needs to ban alcohol if it wants to prevent further sexual violence and to help North African migrants integrate into society, a Muslim pressure group has claimed.
Commenting on the Cologne sex-attack controversy, MuslimStern, which has 20,000 followers on Facebook, said its mission was to ‘highlight the way the media was using the incidents to promote racism against minorities’.
The group complained that the female victims had brought the unwanted attention to themselves by dressing in a manner that North African men were not accustomed to.
It’s time, and past time, for the members of the EU, and Germany, to start carrying Blackjacks, Shillelagh, and nunchuks. Because the anal orifice moochits are not going to change willingly. It is forbidden in the quran to change, and in their supremacist ideology. PLUS, they see non-mozlem women (and children) as “fresh meat”. All one needs to do is a bit of research in what islam teaches about women, and sex with infants (Thighing)
Hmmm, is alcohol not banned by Islam?
Fourteen hundred years of selective inbreeding has produced a population with severe mental deficiencies, and being raised under Islam and Shariah has caused a phycological inability in Muslim males to restrain themselves when in the presence of western women.
The solution for this otherwise insurmountable problem is that Muslim males who wish to inhabit western communities must undergo voluntary castration.
No self control, no personal responsibility? Can’t handle freedom much?
We could ask this of our own society also, with so many seemingly out of (self) control. And the “universal” answer just coincidentally is? More heavy handed governance?
Well isn’t that special?