Germans welcome their invaders, say Europe belongs to everyone!

Germany Word Refugee Day 2

On World Refugee Day this past Saturday, demonstrators in Berlin and across Europe welcomed the Mediterranean boat people arriving by the tens of thousands from Libya and elsewhere in North Africa and the Middle East.  Come on in!  We think all borders should be erased!  Readers, the driving force behind everything we are seeing, including the UN’s pressure on America to take 65,000 Syrians, is the movement to create one big happy (socialist!)  borderless world!


Berlin (AFP) – Some 1,800 people took to the streets of Berlin on Saturday to express their solidarity with migrants seeking refuge in Europe and against austerity measures in debt-ridden Greece, local police told AFP.

In a demonstration held on World Refugee Day by German opposition parties Die Linke (The Left) and Gruenen (The Greens), as well as several other leftist groups, protesters chanted: “No frontiers, no nations, stop deportation!”

“Say it loud, say it clear, refugees are welcome here,” cried others.


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9 years ago

Merkel put them up to this, because she is a multicultural douche bag. they just had a march against the invaders a few months back and Merkel turned the lights off on them because she was scared gutless of what was occurring, the crowds were by the tens of thousands who want this invasion to stop. so you can almost guarantee Merkel and her band of Nazi islamic sympathizers are behind this march of so puny few. The insanity is that Europe is Broke and there nation states are in debt up to there eyeballs, seems like our California wit the same plight, but they keep inviting the invaders in across the Mexican border while the fools go deeper into debt.