GERMANY: Muslim Invaders Are Defecating And Ejaculating In The Pool As Well As Sexually Harassing German Girls


Now that a German swimming pool has been forced to lift its ban on Muslim male migrants, according to Bäder GmbH (Baths Inc.), Muslims have been masturbating and defecating into the water, and are sexually harassing and groping women in the Sauna, while trying to storm the women’s changing rooms. Other reports claim Muslim migrants have also been sexually molesting children in a swimming hall.



Must be a byproduct of inbreeding with goats. Seriously, is a European Spring coming soon? I don’t think the Germans will show mercy when they finally stand up. How about us? Will we stand up to a tyrannical government with mercy or vengeance? Got Faith?

David DeGerolamo

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Publius Huldah
9 years ago

Don’t insult goats! My goats behave much better than Muslim males.

9 years ago

it’s the end of Germany and every Danish nation in that region of Europe, the people have become to afraid of there governments to stop the multicultural mentally ill madness that has come forth from there leaders. all of this madness comes out of the hell hole in Belgium , the Euro Union.

9 years ago

Fourteen hundred years of selective inbreeding has produced a population with severe mental deficiencies, and being raised under Islam and Shariah has caused a phycological inability in Muslim males to restrain themselves when in the presence of western women.

The solution for this otherwise insurmountable problem is that Muslim males who wish to inhabit western communities must undergo voluntary castration.