Invasion of Europe news…..
The news is slowly coming out about the horrific events of one week ago as New Years revelers in Cologne, Germany were assaulted by 1,000 men of “immigrant backgrounds.” Our first story on the events of that evening is here (Merkel: Don’t blame refugees).
Who hushed all this up (we know why!), and who is now leaking police reports that describe the drunk and lewd men as “immigrants” including some from Syria and Afghanistan? We were earlier told that there were no arrests, but apparently some were detained so the authorities do know who is responsible.
Could this be it for the German people—time for Merkel to go?
The UK Telegraph has a lengthy and revealing report:
Some of those involved in a series of sexual assaults against women in the German city of Cologne on New Year’s Eve claimed to be Syrian refugees, according to a leaked police report.
The outbreak of violence was also far more serious than previously thought, and at one point senior police officers feared “there could have been fatalities”.
Two publications have released what they claim is an internal report by a senior officer who was at the scene.
If confirmed, the report could have far-reaching consequences for Angela Merkel’s government as it tries to deal with the aftermath of the assaults.
Ministers have said there is no evidence asylum seekers were involved in the violence.
But the leaked police report, published in Bild newspaper and Spiegel, a news magazine, claims that one of those involved told officers:
where are the neo Nazis now when you need them, even though i despise them, but not one of there citizens are going after Merkel and hanging her and her administrators for the damage they have caused to there nation. where are the German people.