Germany’s new normal: “People can’t leave their homes” “Migrants go into churches to disrupt service. They walk in and start to riot.”


One of my German readers tells me, “I just hung up the phone after speaking to a friend in Germany — he lives in a small, very catholic town, Ellwangen, where I went to school for a few years, of about 12 000 people that had to accept 4 500 refugees at the fringes of town in former army barracks that had been vacant. The name of the barracks is Reinhardt Kaserne, I knew some of the ‘unpleasant’ things happening from reading online, talking to my mother, etc, but he is a ‘true local’ and from what he says, it must be much worse than any reports I read! He owns a small store in the center of town and ever since the arrival of the big masses this summer he has zero business because nobody wants to go to town anymore. What is far worse and underlines all that you have been writing about, the ‘refugees’ even go into churches to disrupt service. I had no idea! I have to say, this is a crime against the German people and culture committed by their own government…..”

Here is what is happening:

Ellwangen is a small town in the eastern part of Baden-Wuerttemberg. The center of the town counts about 12000; not considering neighboring villages. It has very strong Christian, catholic and protestant, roots, and, not surprisingly, … it was one of the centers of the infamous German witch trials. It was a small, sleeply town proud of it’s churches and aware of its Christian past like any small town in Germany’s south where people speak dialect and pretty much everybody knows everybody.


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