Get Off Your Knees

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gail jansen
gail jansen
4 years ago

It is time to stand up and fight. For the warriors who are beseeching/warning that we must ‘harden’ ourselves before the battles begin, thank you for the sage advice. In the Old Testament, God warned his people to ‘not have compassion’ for man, woman, child or beast. And He considered it a transgression when they did not slay everyone and their beasts. So, whether we go forward in physical space or cyber space, LET US BE FEARLESS.

M.L. Chizedek
4 years ago
Reply to  gail jansen

Let us be downright evil mean.

“Evil shall slay the wicked: and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate.” (PSALMS 34:21)

A righteous man stands before the LORD, not on his knees at all.

4 years ago

Ok I agree! Now instead of complaining……….LET’S MAKE A PLAN TO TAKE EM DOWN

4 years ago
Reply to  Cindy


Gather all that you know that are tired of the tyranny and for a plan. Sit down and brainstorm what do you think will happen, then write what what your response will be. Then create an detailed plan of what that entails. Then practice what you have laid out. All the while trying to bring more people into the group.

John Toothman
John Toothman
4 years ago

Fight now or die now pick one.

4 years ago

I’m in Arizona, Apache Junction is anyone nearby?

4 years ago

We need a comprehensive plan that wakes everyone up — then we need a way to let everyone except the left know until its sprung on them — the only thing I can say — the Left is ripe for the pickings — they have those wimps running around causing havoc and from the way I see it they are their own worst enemy -and if they suffer a big enough loss they will go home with their tails between their legs

Seth Friedman
Seth Friedman
4 years ago

Take  Off  Your  Mask  And  Get  Off  Your  Knees  !    COVID-19 IS FAKE  !

Unquestioning Gullibility And Obedient Compliance
Are Unbecoming Of A Patriot  ! 

FACT :   Thousands of highly credible and qualified doctors and scientists from around the world are adamantly insisting that Covid-19 is either completely fake or practically harmless and are being deliberately and systematically censored by the Mainstream Media and governments.     ( numbers correspond to links in CVHOAX.COM )                                                                  2,3,7,8,9,11,14,17,33,34,35,36,40,44,55,59,60,61,62,63,69,76,80,82.83,86,90,104,147,

FACT :   Covid-19 has never been scientifically proven to exist as it has not met any of the four criteria of Koch’s Postulate which is known as the Gold Standard of proof of a virus’s existence. The scientific study of germs is known as Germ Theory because it’s a THEORY !  Germs have never been proven to exist yet have been used to sell vaccines for over a hundred years.  Exosome Theory is far more plausible.  If you don’t know what Koch’s Postulate and Exosomes are then you’re not as smart or as well informed as you thought you were. This is an opportune time to drop your know it all attitude and open your ears.

FACT :   The creator of the PCR Test used to detect Covid-19 said it was never intended to detect any virus.  Every Covid-19 death was caused by something else and falsely attributed to Covid-19. Do you believe hospitals would be tempted to claim that a patient who died of the Flu had instead died of Covid-19 if the Government gave them $50,000.00 to say so ?       ( 157 !!! )      12,23,24,29,40,94,103,120,122,130,135.    9,16,17,27,56,88,89,96,117,118,129,143.          21,25,30,67,68,72,84,150,151.   37.
FACT :   Wearing a mask is utterly ineffective at blocking a virus. A virus can pass through a mask as easily as swimming under the Golden Gate Bridge. Prolonged mask wearing causes brain damage and respiratory illnesses. The first step to overcoming your mask fetish is to admit you have one. Do you wear your mask in your vehicle or outdoors when no one is near you ?  Until recently it was common knowledge that hand sanitizing inhibits one’s immune system while exposure to dirt and filth strengthens one’s immune system.  40,57,59,70,71,78,79,87,95,101,102,132,139.140.

FACT :   The Covid-19 ‘pandemic’ was planned years in advance and has been surreptitiously introduced into the public consciousness through popular culture. Many news articles reporting on Covid-19 are bizarrely coded with strange numbers.   19,20,38,42,46,47,48,52,53,54,56,77,121.         22,39,47,48,52,156.

FACT :   Unconstitutional and criminal lockdown laws are destroying your freedom and your economic livelihood and your future.  Unconstitutional and criminal lockdown laws are causing the starvation deaths of millions of people in poor countries and soon in formerly wealthy countries. Is it wise to inject yourself with a drug falsely labeled as a vaccine, designed to alter your DNA and sterilize you, to prevent a virus that has never been scientifically proven to exist ? Is it wise for the U.S. Military personnel to be injected with this ‘vaccine’ ?  A perfect analogy to comprehend the social dynamic surrounding the public’s enthusiastic willingness to embrace the Covid-19 narrative without question can be seen in the video Titled “Key & Peele, Pegasus Sighting”.  Simply change the word “Pegasus” to “Covid-19”.  Orson Welles’ War Of The Worlds broadcast also comes to mind. Throughout history rulers have used human being’s deep desire to feel like they’re contributing to the greater good to manipulate the public to act against their own best interests.  “A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon.” -- Napoleon Bonaparte.   The Emperor wears no clothes.                         Educate yourself or perish.           105,126,127,146,149,154,155.      18,50,51,65,74,75,85,92,100,106,107,108,113,114,119,128,134,149,152,153,158,159,160,161.

FACT :   Lawsuits are currently being pursued against governments and other players that deceived the public to accept unconstitutional and criminal lockdown laws based on a fraudulent test to detect the nonexistent Covid-19.    58,59,64,91,124,131,141.

FACT :  Four out of five Stanley Milgrams surveyed recommend critical thinking for their patients who want to live in reality and not blindly follow orders from whomever they consider to be an authority.   157,162.


Peggy Hoynes
Peggy Hoynes
4 years ago

excellent statement. Also, I am 82 years old and since COVID started I have only worn a mask three times and only for about 10 minutes. I have asthma and can’t breath very well. Moreover, I have no desire to pass out from lack of oxygen.

My blood type is O Negative and people with this type blood tend to not catch COVID. If I catch COVID my chances of survival are the same as with ANY flu. People my age usually have other medical problems and the combined illnesses usually cause death. I found a doctor who will prescribe HCQ if the test is negative.

Unfortunately the tests are not reliable. I should be able to take HCQ as a prophylactic. Hummm, wonder why THE GOVERNMENT won’t pass a law to benefit seniors. LOL

gail jansen
gail jansen
4 years ago

Every word in all these replies is worth serious thought. I left CA a decade ago because I saw this coming. Now I live In a rural, very rural area, I don’t wear need or condone a mask for all of the reasons stated above. However, I know it’s going to ugly concerning compliance because the UN is establishing a regional office, complete with its own bank, here! I have hardened myself to the consequences I’m likely to face. Speaking to the replies prior to the COVID-19 info. YES! There are people who are vetting neighbors, putting together resources, and planning. Around here, mules and donkeys are popping up everywhere! Another question is how to maintain communication over distances when all else goes down or is not secure. No one seems to be raising pigeons.

4 years ago
Reply to  gail jansen

“Another question is how to maintain communication over distances when all else goes down or is not secure. ”

HF ham radio with a little ingenuity.