Get Ready for a Day of Propaganda

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3 years ago

Boy u said it all there. Stupid MSM has been and is lying about this whole thing just like everything else. I’ve been watching this for months now, and everything our media is saying is crap. Getting my info from people there and still working n the Intel community, and Russia is finally re-acting to Western lies and Ukraine shelling their people for years. But MSM makes it sound like we’re so innocent, it’s such a huge lie. So they’re gonna have this war now they wanted, with Zelensky as a mouth piece for the Russian Boogeyman theme, while they kill people to distract and cover their evil already committed.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dave

Even Newsmax is heading down that path…

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
3 years ago

Remember, there are more communists in D.C. than in Moscow. The commies in D.C. are the ones taking our freedom. Putin denounced communists in his speech to the Russian people the other day. That said, it’s my observation that the criminals that run our government are going head to head with the criminals that run the Russian government. They’re fighting over the corpse of what was once Ukraine. Lots of money and natural resources at stake. Looks like Hunter Biden and his daddy are going to lose their share of the pipeline profits over there.

Barbara Noelle
Barbara Noelle
3 years ago

Anything and I mean anything the MSM swills… I know the opposite is true.