Getting Dumber by the Day

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Tammy Verlander
Tammy Verlander
2 years ago

Spot On

2 years ago

‘Getting dumber by the day’ sounds like justice on America and some of the other countries. As to America, it has proved itself unfit for First World civilization. It’s willful ignorance (satanism) in allowing its citizenry to largely go uneducated not only to its own form of government (not merely a document, but the civic understanding and cultivation (teaching) of responsibilities and duties thereof, and the failure to educate astutely across the board as well as instill basic and pertaining life skill-sets in conjunction with its mainline churches (mosques teach cooking for instance, and many other needed skills) have long rendered it ‘a use it or lose it’ type of thing, and they lost decade by decade. In many senses it no longer matters how much money one has, or will have upon the looming invasions and ensuing destruction because there likely won’t even be people to be found to do needed vehicle, appliance and manual repairs of things, those with electric knowledge, according medical understanding, those fluent in natural remedies, needed bilingual and trilingual speaking persons, the skills or experience needed to build safe structures, work the land, or do basic math, the artistry, social application (inclusive of social safety nets) and philosophical thought in consonance with working out a directional framework in which to proceed from, on a number of levels.