Glad We Escaped

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2 days ago

That’s the demonrats for you who run that corrupt city, all run by lunatic mad people who are evil and wicked.

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
2 days ago

Texas property appraisals and property taxes are the 7th highest in the nation and continue to increase. Property taxes in Texas have become an extortion racket by the speed thrift state legislature, schools districts, and counties. As is always the case, the portion of the taxes going to the school districts is the largest. Keep in mind, a kid cannot possible become smarter unless the schools have astro turf foot balls stadiums and aquatic centers. And due to the fact that the median SAT scores for Texas schools have decline every year for decades teachers are now demanding a 4 day work week with no reduction salary as a reward for their poor performance. If you have the 2 minimal property tax exemptions your taxes double every 7.2 years. Without the exemptions your property taxes double at an even fast rate. In Texas you never own your property. The state, school districts, and counties allow you to live in the property as long as you pay their ever increasing extortion tax. The entire property tax system in Texas is completely corrupt. Who is $ John Galt?

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 day ago

So, quit yer bitching and leave Texas!

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 day ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

C’mon, give the guy a break. Every person’s current living situation is different. There are many variables to a strategic relocation. Not everyone can just up and leave. He was only venting. All we have is each other.

2 days ago

A lot of tax money is given to social activist organizations, under the table. The activists then protest for more “social spending”. It becomes an intended vicious cycle.

2 days ago

I’m in NC, and the tax assessor appraised my house at double its previous value due to some houses in the area selling for more. I couldn’t sell it for what they say it’s worth.

2 days ago
Reply to  DRenegade

The corruption is unbearable and at some point we are going to have a tax revolt in our counties to put a halt to this madness. We had that issue last year in our county and many folks went to the commissioners meeting and we forced them to equalize there out of control property tax hikes by forcing them to lower there rates, so it was no raise in the end for anyone, and we warned all commissioners that evening they would all be removed including the county clerk if they don’t stop what they are doing. But you can’t trust them and the people are always watching them now and what they are doing. It’s a shame there is no honesty and integrity anymore.

2 days ago

All of them are bad, dems and GOP, they all spend and steal from us

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 day ago
Reply to  Magrit

The hardest part of educating my children about the realities of our world vs. what they have been indoctrinated with, is that BOTH parties are out to get you. They are perfectly accepting of the choice of A or B, but the idea that neither one is a good option, blows their minds.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 day ago

It’s amazing that teacher yearly salaries are really only 9 months of work. They have summer off, throw in winter and spring recess and you get 9 months.