Glenn Beck’s motto is “The Truth Lives Here”. It seems that the truth is subjective in Mr. Beck’s mind. Obama did follow in Lincoln’s footsteps: they both divided the country. Let us hope that when the federal government usurps power again as Lincoln did, Obama will be remembered for his true actions. No one has divided this country more than Lincoln but Obama is a strong second.
David DeGerolamo
h/t Brock
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“Let us hope that when the federal government usurps power again…”
David, WTF ??? That sentence should read:
Let’s hope that when history judges the usurpations that have already occurred …
Let me be clearer in my words:
“Let us hope that when the federal government usurps power and invokes martial law again…”
I was thinking about the correlation between Lincoln when he threw the Constitution in the garbage along with Habeus Corpus and states’ rights. For those who think that the War of Northern Aggression was about slavery, read the Corwin amendment to the Constitution from 1861.
There is no question that our central government has usurped power granted to it by the Constitution. The tragedy is that the people will not stand up and regain their Liberty. How will history remember us? The more important question is how will the Lord judge us?
… and Beck’s comment is a slap in the face of an honorable man who tried to live and govern within the ‘strict construction’ of the US Constitution:
“[Our situation] illustrates the American idea that governments rest on the consent of the governed, and that it is the right of the people to alter or abolish them whenever they become destructive of the ends for which they were established.”
~ Jefferson Davis
The southern States merely withdrew consent … and were punished for that act of courage by the northern statists who sought to retain control of the southern economy through ‘abomnable’ tariffs.
Which lead to the War of Northern Aggression: