The following comment and replies concerning Trump’s statement on Adam Schiff’s impeachment coup is funny but it is also a sad consequence of how we let the political elite divide even some marriages over ideology.
David DeGerolamo
It’s great having a President with some cajones.
It’s even greater that he’s not completely insane like every single Democrat who’s running for President. I often wonder if people actually realize what will happen to this country if ANY of those psychopaths land in the oval office.
My hubby is a lieberal. Believes MSM implicitly. I am leaving, can’t take his negativity anymore.
My wife believes in doing absolutely nothing at all…doesnt vote, and hides her opinion and believes with her silence things will somehow get better. I cant take her apathy anymore LOL
We can trade.
What a union it would be! God bless us all. God bless America! In Jesus name. Amen
In Jesus Name?
Is that Right? So how well do we know Jesus? It is clear this person knows nothing about a “Union” through Christ, And to think America will receive God’s Blessing??? At this rate?
It is not that funny when we come down to it.
Related note:
Agreed. A sad commentary on both our government and our beliefs.