God’s Mercenaries

Whether one believes in God, or not; believes in Jesus Christ, or not, America was created by those who did; who fled England in a quest for religious freedom. Yes, those arriving in Virginia a few decades before the Pilgrims sought commerce, but liberty and Christianity were entwined even with that endeavor.

We are a complicated nation, infused with the desire for liberty and wealth, relying on the grace of God to achieve it and to give us strength during the pursuit. Whether we acknowledge it or not; ask for it, or not, it is there.

Rightfully, we are all God’s Mercenaries, sent into the world to tame all lands, to conquer His enemies, to defeat the tyrants of the world and to secure it for the meek. In any system, other than a capitalist republic, the meek are ground into meal for the pleasure of the tyrant. They are slaves and servants to the ruling class. Only in a capitalist republic are the meek allowed to rise to the top tier of society by means of hard work and innovation. Capitalism provides the means and God provides the path.

It has become clear to me over the past several months that resistance without the support of God is futile. The fight for religious freedom is as important as the fight for individual freedom. The true fight is against the tyrants and the misery that accompanies them.

America must reclaim its liberty to do the work of the Lord.

T.L. Davis


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