I filled my car up yesterday and the cost was up over 25% from a few months ago. Or to put it more plainly: it was up since the perpetraitor in chief took office. As we are finding out, Obama’s promise to have energy costs skyrocket are coming to pass under Obama 2.0.
Texans can declare Biden is not their legal President and force the issue of voter fraud to be addressed. Or they can freeze in place, with no water, spotty electricity and skyrocketing energy prices as they watch their state’s energy industry collapse.
Coming to a state near you if tyranny continues.
David DeGerolamo
The Texans that I know all agree that the election was a total fraud. They despise China Joe for his attacks on the oil industry and the second amendment.
Look for Senator Cornyn to have a difficult time getting reelected because of his statements that there was no election fraud. Senator Cornyn has always been a globalist sellout and a stealth RINO. He would be more comfortable spending time with China Joe and the CFR then with the people in Texas he supposedly represents.
Texans are for the most part independent and resilient. Bad weather is the norm, although, geo-engineered snow storms are unusual.
With fractional voting & ballot dumps not to mention recounting ballots on site, what makes you feel we will ever have another honest election in this country if the computer and machines are used? It is my personal opinion that the only way to have an honest election is to require a picture ID, proof of citizenship & dye the finger before you get a ballot to vote so you can only vote once. We have become a third world country at this point, IMO.
Well, if that be the case, we will never have another “honest” election. With the demorats in complete control, they will ensure that the methods used to steal the 2020 elections shall be updated and expanded, so as to never lose control again. It should be apparent by now there is only one way we set things right (1775), and judging by what we have seen, that’s never going to happen. So I suggest everyone get used to the “New” America, It is what it is. Live your lives as best you can.
North Woods,
you forgot, the “New” America is spelled “Amerika” commrade.
That is stupid. Kindergarten
is German for children’s garden
Just 10 days ago the papers to Secede were ready to go -- Not Now Thanks to Weather Warfare. Unfortunately with Texas Not part of the National Energy Grid they are now Begging for Mexican Power -- SAD. The Bigger Picture is that this a Warning for Us ALL who Oppose Commies in America.
Bravo! Someone finally mentions the elephant in the sky, geoengineering, aka as weather warfare, weather control. You can’t hide dropping bombs on a country. However, you can attack a state like CA or TX or a country like Iran with weather warfare. Geoengeeringwatch.org with Dane Wigington is the best site I know. The gubmit doesn’t like to here the word “secede.”
NO GUTS….Texans are not man enough to leave the Union
scared to fight…Move the Alamo..you guys are too chicken to have it there
When I visited the Alamo, nothing substantial was there to honor those who died there, proving Texans are basically phonies. Have a nice day,
So, could the power issues be facilitated by the government? Just a thought that first crossed my mind when it started to unfold.
Our gas jumped up 20 cents in 1 week.
About the only ” good ” ( if you can call it that ) thing that I see coming out of this election is all the people who voted for Biden will be crying and suffering right along side the rest of us ( ( maybe crying a little harder, knowing that they are responsible for that goof ball and his handlers to be elected )
WTH. 3.19 for a pack of Pall Malls? I quit over 3 years ago and they were over 6 bucks a pack then.
Most Texans can survive a week of cold weather.but wait until summer with months of 100+ degree humid weather with little airconditioning because of limited electric or prohibitive cost! I might have to head north trying to find this cold air.
better do something and STOP BEING COWARDS
so far Texans are being sissy little girls afraid to fight
We ALL should at least participate in a national strike against the unelected deep state takeover of our nation.
I’m not taking the Fuel Price Increase as a sign of the (communist) Administration having a Lot to do with it- the Pipeline Permits being Revoked is too early to have an Influence on Prices; the Pipeline isn’t Completed. This is the Time of Year when Diesel always jumps 50 Cents or more, due to Heating Demand. If it Does Not decline by May, then I would think ‘politics’ is an issue… Having said That, the possibility of Taxes being raised is a Certainty.
Myself, I did my usual pre-Winter purchase of 1000 Gallons of Diesel in late November, at a Delivered Price of $2.19 a Gallon, and am still using it. When the Price declines, I will Fill the Tanks again.
And as for Texas? You Voted for it, cowboys, all those ‘politicians’ are Responsible for the Mess you’re In.
Horse, Tree, Rope, Politician. Some Assembly required.
is this what obama said -- using blackmail. WHY THE SOB.
Gas prices are already killing Californians. Democrats are raising them at periodic intervals to support a massive illegal alien population and to pay off teachers unions, who regularly extort democrats who then make citizens pay for overblown pensions and pay.
Steers and fill in the blank.q….rs lol