Currently there are 128 paper contracts for every ounce of physical gold. As Glenn Beck points out, some entity in the US is reshoring our (and hopefully more) physical gold. While it is harsh, the corollary that he does not point out is that Europe is the big loser when the gold contracts are called in. It does not matter if it is a shorted stock or a gold (silver) contract, when the contracts come due, they will have to pay any price to cover your position or go bankrupt. Gold and silver will skyrocket in price as the USD is devalued to reduce our nation’s debt.
Multiply this memorable clip from Trading Places by hundreds of banks, multiple nations and untold individuals:
The machines will not be turned back on. The faux Biden administration was the culmination of Obama’s dream of destroying Western colonialism (civilization). What part George Soros and his son played in this implementation of the Cloward-Piven strategy may never be known.
Usually, this type of financial collapse brings war on a large scale. In this case, Europe is just a dead union walking into oblivion:
- European countries cannot cover their debts.
- They have allowed USAID to send millions of African and Muslim invaders into their countries who have crippled their economies with entitlements and destroyed their security with crime.
- I doubt that any European country can consider going to war as an option with NATO collapsing. They have nothing left to fight a war for prosperity since most of their materiel was sent to their manufactured war in Ukraine.
- Nationalism has been vilified in all Western nations as part of their planned destruction. Never forget how they marginalized the MAGA movement as if wanting to live in a great country was evil. But Europeans are thrown into prison for promoting nationalism.
- European countries have only one option left: civil wars to overthrow their selected leaders. Unfortunately for them, they do not have our second amendment and they will still be bankrupt when the dust settles.
Recession will be the buzzword this week to attack the Trump administration. The so called “Greater Depression” may be in our future but our people do not have the life skills to survive as our great grandparents and grandparents had. As I have said in the past, I will raise the Deep State’s recession with a depression if that is the pathway to freedom.
David DeGerolamo
We cannot go around it; we have to go through it. If not now, when? Pray for those who have no awareness. They will suffer the most.
There will just about have to be at minimum, a recession. You cannot cut off all the USAID money being spent all over the U.S. (and the World), fire or lay off all the dead wood (90% ?) in the Federal Gov’t and the economy not take a serious hit. There are only two choices -- keep going like we are and go full Weimar hyperinflation/worthless dollar or try to pull the nation out of a nose dive by cleaning up the fraud and maybe have a survivable crash with minimal casualties. Emailed my CongressCritter yesterday letting him know I expect people to be asset stripped and imprisoned for the multi-year fraud they perpetrated on us.
Sell the 8100 tons of gold in Ft. Knox at 3000 per ounce, 100 more than current spot price. You will not make enough to cover the interest due on the national debt this year. The depression is going to be truly ugly; my only question is there going to be a world war to go with it. It takes 2 to make a war and the Chinese have as big of problems as we do. They also have tons more gold. Interesting times indeed.
When DOGE gets around to Fort Knox the American public will not be shocked at what they find…or rather, don’t find.
And, just like that:
I’m willing to bet you that FT Knox does not have the 8,100 tons of gold you speak of. Most likely it has a bunch of paper claiming to be gold.
David -- -- You are spot on in pointing out the inability of 90-95% of our citizenry to survive an economic depression. Few have enough food/water and meds on hand to survive even one month on their own. Fewer still have skills that will help them survive.
All should be aware that when hyper-inflation hits, the TAKERS will swiftly figure out that their EBT cards don’t buy half of what they used to score and the Takers will congregate. They will move toward the homes and businesses of the MAKERS to steal what the TAKERS think The MAKERS have up for grab…. “Gimme mah gibs” will be their cry…
Blood will run in the streets. Police will be unable to stop the TAKERS unless open fire orders are given to the militias and police. (Please remember South Africa riots and mass stealing which was finally stopped by police shooting live ammo, and which happened about seven years ago.)
Folks who have studied such events predict that up to half our population will be dead in three months, but I think it will only take half that time.
Wanna live longer ?? Get out of cities while you can. Joint up with other patriots to form neighborhood watch or walking patrols. Stock up but don’t tell anybody what you are doing unless you want them at your door begging for your stuff because they have nothing.
Seatbelts fastened and tray up ??
Ok. . Now prepare for a hard landing !!
The Euroweenies are in a world of hurt. Just wait until the reciprocal tariffs kick in. Same with Canada. And China’s even in worse shape. Are we going to see an economic down turn here? I don’t think so. All that manufacturing rushing back here will hopefully keep us growing and going. We started seeing a substantial increase in business the week before the election and it’s continued to increase. Military spending is going to go though the roof for the foreseeable future. Another big shot in the arm.
Unfortunately I think we’re going to see a LOT of “Global Instability” as things return to their natural order. But it had to happen sooner of later.
“There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved.” -- Ludwig von Mises
Trusted family, trusted friends and faith in God.
Real wealth in bad times is ability to feed, shelter and protect your trusted ones.
Might want to see how I value an ounce of gold in the comments section of:
Gold | NC Renegades
And maybe spend a few moments reading this:
As Requested by a Reader: The Day the Dollar Died – SHENANDOAH
Tempus fugit, I suspect if the parasites realize that THEY are going to be Asset Stripped and Jailed that the PLUG WILL BE PULLED.
Maybe that’s why Trump and DODGE is working so carefully. Trying to avoid cutting the wrong wire on our economic suicide bomb the Deep State built.
Is there actually any gold there? If yes, is it actually gold or just tungsten? If gold, what is its purity? And MOST IMPORTANTLY…WHO ACTUALLY OWNS IT?
Please explain with the rapid down sizing of fedgov -- ostensibly reducing expenditures and at least slowing the rate of increase of debt -- how this does not place the American citizen and domestic businesses in a better financial position. A better position to ride whatever impending recession.
Two immediate benefits are reduced consumer debt and securing the food supply and other commodities.
Transfers of physical gold from the Bank of England to New York is now exceeding the panic during the COVID-19 crisis. People are blaming tariffs but there’s something bigger going on here. Legacy media is totally silent, they’re hiding it. Another Feb 2020 flash crash again?
Saving the USA while Dissolving the USSA is a tricky maneuver. If anyone can do it, It’s this current Trump Team. DOGE Away!!!