Good Luck…

h/t WRSA

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Mary Combs
Mary Combs
4 months ago

If you don’t vote for Trump you will get Kamala. Stop being so self righteous and smug and just go vote for Trump. If you won’t do that for yourself and your grandkids, then do it for the rest of us. Sheesh -- talk about dumbed down- I’m sure the Kamala campaign loves conservatives that think like you.

4 months ago
Reply to  Mary Combs

Exactly. When Harris is sworn in next year it won’t be because of the “steal”, it will be because so many millions and millions of Christians and so-called patriots simply won’t vote. Sure the commies will run their usual fraud game but they do not have the ability to manufacture enough fake ballots to overcome what could / should be an easy layup for Trump this time.

Because, you know, it’s so much more effective to sit at the keyboard and type stuff like TINVOWOOT and “voat moar harder” (making sure to apply the incorrect spelling like the cool kids do).

tom finley
tom finley
4 months ago
Reply to  Joe_P


tom finley
tom finley
4 months ago
Reply to  Joe_P It is only a couple of minutes, you might be able to handle a little truth.

4 months ago
Reply to  tom finley

I know… watched that as it was happening over many weeks. Live and in color.

Now imagine in there had been 10, 20 possibly 30 million more votes on our side…

…could the commies have been able to pull it off with that kind of a landslide -- AND -- in all swing states? Maybe. But maybe not.

As DJT says, “Too Big To Rig” is what’s needed. But don’t worry, the TINVOWOOTs will be sure to be there to help snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
4 months ago
Reply to  Mary Combs

I appreciate your perspective and your response, and I agree that not voting MAGA is no solution, but I don’t believe the meme above is asserting the impotence of Trump or MAGA. I believe the meme encapsulates the reality that the communists-who have infiltrated our country and successfully performed a coup against our government-do not historically allow themselves to be voted out. Any more than a wasps’ nest can be voted out. The communist mind is singularly the embodiment of the bipolar sociopath. Any attempts to straighten things out will always be met with escalation, violence, ridiculously volatile rhetoric and accusations, destruction, murder and worse and on and on. Communism is historically defeated with brute and brutal force. Just like you don’t get rid of cockroaches by telling them that everyone got together and they aren’t really wanted. You have to destroy every cockroach you see. Every single one. My fear about Americans’ stomach for that job is stated in the comment below.

4 months ago

Very well stated sir. Most people posting here still believe the illusion of “voting” every four years for the much lesser evil is doing their part. I would ask them if given a choice concerning death between a knife or gun, what would be their choosing. My preference would be neither but to fight. I can tell many have never seen combat by their posts and prefer to remain keyboard warriors. Never have any of my many combat tours been in support of the Republic or Our democracy as so many politicians love to eloquently paint. It has all been in vain and in support of the Military Industrial Complex (MiC). I have come to terms realizing all my years of service to this Nation was BS. Unfortunately many of you using “hope as a strategy” fail to realize the same and come to terms. Our forefathers were cut of a different cloth than we today. Until WE The People decide to get off our comfy asses, fight to take back our God given rights, nothing will change…I can tell who are true patriots and who are fake. Have a good day!

4 months ago
Reply to  Carpenter

You’re correct, just like in Viet Nam we went to fight the war and only afterwards find out it was all a sham especially with the gulf of Tonkin incident that had come out years later that it was the U.S. military complex and the CIA who caused that incident, which caused the war. All of our boys who lost their lives for nothing only to return home and be spit on by the likes of the same communist S-Bag maggots in charge now. I can only speak myself; I will not go out and be murdered at the hands of these communist bastards from the federal agencies without taken many with me.Who ever they send if they do will not be returning home to their wives and children. If there is one thing, we should never forget is how to kill the enemy either at long range, close combat or by stealth no matter how old we are.

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
4 months ago
Reply to  Carpenter

Well put, brother.

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
4 months ago

The thing is, is even if MAGA reigns supreme this election season and every significant office/gov’t body is turned red AND there is NOT a MASSIVE reckoning-IE justice for all these criminals that have been subverting The Constitution the past fifty years, then it is all for naught. What remains to be seen-and I very much doubt we will see it-is that enough righteous, just Americans have the stomach for the “housecleaning” that needs to occur to get this country back on track. And, whether we like it or not, this is war and we have to have the guts. Or we will lose.

tom finley
tom finley
4 months ago

If you still think you can vote your way out of this tyranny, you have not studied history. The selection has already been made, they do not need your vote they say it is a very tight race in the polls and their propaganda news networks. I have voted too many times to believe otherwise at this point, but go ahead and vote if it makes you feel better about yourself. My belief is there is only one way out of this and it is through these mofos every last one of them, so let us stand and fight.

4 months ago

One point not yet mentioned:
If we turn out the vote and it is a huge turnout, but yet we will see the AME Church Commies who are big city local DemonicRats paid to help Dominion cheat. And THAT will piss off enough patriots that they will realize they need to finally STAND UP & PUSH BACK !!
I have long said that regardless of who wins, neither side will accept the result and blood will run in the streets six months, or less, after the election. However, we must not overlook the likelihood of an economic crash pouring fuel onto that fire….

Prepare, because things will definitely get sporty…..

Mary Combs
Mary Combs
4 months ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

Yes, I agree with what you say. But advocating sitting at home and not voting will not achieve the lightbulb moment that you say might bring Americans out to put things tight.I see memes like the one posted here and it makes my blood boil.

Don't mind me
Don't mind me
4 months ago
Reply to  Mary Combs

Mary, the same people running the government today will be running it six months from now and have been running it since who knows (1963? 1913?). The unelected bureaucratic behemoth will remain. It makes little difference who’s in the Whitehouse.
Federal elections are a waste of time; have been for decades. Focus on your local elections.

4 months ago

IMO: The fed .gov voting hope is a lost cause. Neither puppet has shown their willingness to fix the marxism rampant within the federal system. I do however, think the local level is our last chance at correction. That too is infected with anti-republic sentiment, but we the people may have more leverage down this low. We will know soon enough. And that recent D.O.D. directive has lots’o stink on it. Be vigilant all.

a follower
a follower
4 months ago

Why do people assume everyone is the same? Many people understand that voting alone is not the do all answer. The only ones that think that Trump or Harris is the final straw are idol worshippers.

4 months ago

Whether you vote or not, it would be well to remember the Gods of Economics are the ultimate arbiters. Those who look to government at any level to succor them are doomed to perdition. I am more focused on the coming fallout due to the BRICS nations and others who walk away from Amerika’s debt bucks.
When the country goes full Weimar, it will make the original Weimar Republic look like a company picnic. Germany, for all of the troubles, was an ETHNICALLY AND RACIALLY homogenous country. Right now, this corrupt, syphilitic-thinking septic tank is in the thrall of the Marxist-Infanticide Party, invaded by human dreck and “military-age males”, and has a stupid and self-indulgent population who (and this is a true story) will literally sell their blood plasma to get money to attend a Taylor Swift concert.
Yes, I and mine will still vote on 11/05/2024. Here in the Gem State, we are faced with the forces of darkness who have managed to get enough blithering idiots signing a petition to put ranked-choice voting on the ballot. If it passes, Idaho goes from Red to Deep Purple in one election cycle. We will eventually end up like Inslee Land next door.
So, what to do? The old Latin cliche comes to mind: SI VIS PACEM PARA BELLUM. Or I prefer Proverbs 27:12. In either situation, I do not look for any of the local or state political hacks to save me and mine. I turn 77 on the 30th. If I make it to 78, it will be by the grace of God, my preps, and a zeroed semi-automatic rifle. Bleib ubrig, my dear friends.

4 months ago

…even though I swore off writing anything any more …I will piggyback off of you and Tom Finley’s post……….YOU ARE ALL BEING DISTRACTED ! it is not the election or selection that will determine your fate or the state of the nation….”an event” unlike anything we have experienced on our soil will be the catalyst ! your normalcy bias has you counting on getting what you want on the 5th ..because…because……that’s the date (((they)))) set for you and you are focused on it…..prep like there is no tomorrow……broaden your horizons…..!!!!!..

tom finley
tom finley
4 months ago
Reply to  mrapp

Something to think about mrapp, thank you.

4 months ago
Reply to  tom finley

….at least you are thinking ! do you understand what I am trying to say…? we want resolution to ALL these problems and regardless of our position we think we will ” get the answer” one way or the other on the 5th..both sides think that it all gets taken care of on the 5th…….no F’ing way….since 1963 it has all been theater …..this is one more act in the play and YOU ARE ALL FOCUSED ON IT !! ask yourself what you are missing / ignoring.!