GOP turns to Tea Party to win trade powers for Obama

House Ways and Means Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and GOP leaders have turned to some unlikely allies to rally support for a key trade bill: Tea-Party conservatives, including some prominent names from the raucous House Freedom Caucus.

Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) recently tapped Rep. Tom McClintock to give the weekly GOP address, in which the conservative Californian declared: “Trade means prosperity.”

At the monthly “Conversations with Conservatives” event, Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-Kansas) informed his colleagues he’s an unequivocal “yes” on granting President Obama so-called “fast-track” trade powers.
And both McClintock and Rep. Matt Salmon (R-Ariz.) huddled with reporters in a leadership office last week to talk up the virtues of legislation to help pass Obama’s trade agenda.

Salmon, typically a source of heartburn for leadership, denounced some of the conservative “Pat Buchananites” he runs with as “protectionists.” Those who warn Obama can’t be trusted on trade are making a weak argument, he said, because Congress has given Republican presidents the same authority.



So if you do not vote for a secret treaty, you are labelled as a “protectionist”? Saul Alinsky tactics?

Any politician who was elected to represent his constituency and would support a trade bill that has secret provisions can only be called one thing: a domestic enemy.

David DeGerolamo

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Publius Huldah
Publius Huldah
9 years ago

WHY? Are they stupid? Traitors? Acting under duress? Insane? Is it all the fluoride & hydrogenated fats? The female hormones in the meats they eat?

9 years ago

Perhaps all those are in play, Publius, but there is a primary reason in front of those -- extortion.

The promise of money and power if they go along, or the threat of destruction of their public “career” if they do not capitulate.
This is yet more evidence that the rule of law is patently dead, and civil war is very near…

Publius Huldah
Publius Huldah
9 years ago

Well, I can not understand it. It seems to me clear, that the worse people are, the harder you must fight them -- no matter what. But you may be right. Thank you -- you turned on a light -- I never thought of that one.

But I’ve seen Braveheart hundreds of times or so -- i should have remembered the Scottish “nobles” who sold out Wallace and the Scottish People for lands, titles, and money.

John Kummer
John Kummer
9 years ago

I think you guys are close here. Publius and LT make some salient points. Yet, some of those elected reps are, in their own minds anyway, trying to “protect” US from the truth. That is that the US is being squeezed hard. The PRC has accumulated vast stores of gold. So much in fact, that they can back the Renmembi with it if they choose. Instead, it suits their long term plans for hegemony to wait awhile and enact TPP and the AIIB without showing their Gold reserves quite yet. They know that the FED is lying about their Gold reserves and will expose us as frauds, and third world one’s at that, if we Don’t play along. This way, the incentive is to get to participate in the the basket currency, SDRs from the IMB. We can handle the truth, but many of our countrymen cannot.
Happy Memorial Day, Happy Pentecost and Chag Shavuot Sameach!
In Yeshua and inLiberty, John

Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

So it isn’t Obama’s actions that disturb the GOP rather the fact they wish to preapprove them. GOP=G ranting O bama P ermission

As the days pass it has become undeniable we have a one party political system with the participants vying for their own power and control rather than liberties of the people who elect them.

Average Joe