Got an EM Shield?

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2 years ago

God help us! Only he can in times like these.WE alone are done without His protection. SELAH!

Soldier of Christ aka Ronnie
Soldier of Christ aka Ronnie
2 years ago
Reply to  Splish_Splash

Faith my brothers our heavenly father says fear not 365x keep your faith fornwe are held in his hands and he also said we could be bitten by a snake and be poisoned and be just fine it is our faith that makes us whole and healed and Satan has put his luciferin poison in the shot and everything we eat and that’s why u can survive just on The word and water he showed me this and thru his word I was filled literally full in my belly heart and mind so stamd in faith brothers and sisters out savior Christ Jesus will deliver us from our enemies as they are his … Stand strong in the whole armor it’s about to be perilous…

strider 777
2 years ago

And brought to you by a joint partnership of the deep-creep state and the Liezer Corporation.