Gov. Brown’s Idea of Austerity in California

Gov. Jerry Brown has added to California’s fiscal crisis by signing their Dream Act legislation today. Not only will California allow illegal immigrants into universities and community colleges, they will receive financial aid. Under Federal law, it is illegal to hire anyone without a valid I-9 or work visa. This means that after these illegal aliens graduate, they can only work in their own country unless another round of amnesty is passed in time for the 2012 elections.

We know that these illegals receive their education subsidized by American taxpayers not by social justice. With Mexico’s unemployment rate lower than the United States, maybe they can send money back to the United States after graduation.

David DeGerolamo

Gov. Jerry Brown signs Dream Act for state’s illegal immigrants

Declaring the need to expand educational opportunity, Gov. Jerry Brown announced Saturday that he has signed legislation making illegal immigrants eligible to receive state financial aid to attend California universities and community colleges.

Brown said he signed the California Dream Act because it makes sense to allow high-achieving students access to college financial aid.

“Going to college is a dream that promises intellectual excitement and creative thinking,” Brown said in a statement. “The Dream Act benefits us all by giving top students a chance to improve their lives and the lives of all of us.”

Under AB 131, illegal immigrants who are accepted into state universities can receive, starting in 2013, Cal-Grant assistance, which last year provided grants averaging $4,500 apiece to more than 370,000 low-income students.


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