Government Report: U.S. Cannot Protect Homeland From Iranian, North Korean Missile Strikes


The United States remains incapable of fully protecting the homeland from ballistic missile strikes from North Korea and Iran, despite spending billions to develop a missile defense system that remains unproven and unfinished, according to a government oversight report.

The U.S. Missile Defense Agency, or MDA, continues to sink billions of taxpayer dollars into technology that is not proven to be capable of handling an onslaught of ballistic missile strikes from Iran or North Korea, according to the report, which was issued Tuesday by the Government Accountability Office.

While U.S. military leaders maintain that the current system is likely to defend against “small numbers of simple ballistic missile threats launched from North Korea and Iran,” actual testing of the equipment does not back this claim, according to the report.


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Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

LMAO! They can’t even protect us from the Mexican invasion!