Gov’t Health-Care Recipients Outnumber Full-Time Private Sector Workers, 101.5M to 97.2M

health care

AP File Photo

In 2012, according to data released this week by the Census Bureau, approximately 101,493,000 people in the United States got health-insurance coverage through government-run programs, including Medicaid, Medicare, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, military-related health-care programs, the Indian Health Service, and state-government-run health plans.

At the same time, according to Census Bureau data, there were only approximately 97,180,000 people who worked full-time in the private sector in 2012.

That means that even before the full implementation of Obamacare, there were already more people on government health-care in this country than people working full-time in the private sector.

The approximately 101,493,000 people on government health-care in the United States also outnumbered the combined populations of the United Kingdom and Canada, which, according to the CIA, currently have 63,395,574 and 34,568,211 people respectively.


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