Gowdy On Clinton Turning Server Over To FBI: ‘About Damn Time’

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9 years ago

yup, she turned her server over, but what does it mean, this is not like the Clintons at all, they believe there above the law. the server has already been wiped clean from all the e-mails she wants no one to see or the DOJ and the FBI will wipe it clean for her. its the proverbial Fox in the DOJ office watching over the hens especially if the Emperors e-mail to Hillary are on that server which many are. just remember she has been in bed with the Muslim brotherhood for many years now as well as her emperor sodomite boss in the house of sodomy. Huma her aide is her mule between her office and Huma’s mother. Her Mom is a leading member in the terrorist group. So Hillary and the rest of the Sodomite lovers in the house of sodomy are all complicit in destroying our nation using various terrorist tactics thru out our nation and also bringing down other once friendly middle eastern nations. She is a murderer as well as everyone else in the sodomites administration.

Tom Angle
9 years ago

Get it out there little by little so everyone will get use to it. Drag it out so they get tired of it. Then let it die and no one will care. Old trick from the Clintons.

Gowdy is the good cop in the good cop bad cop game. If he really cared he would have been screaming for her arrest when she refused to turn over the files. But he plays a tune and “conservatives” are memorized by he struggle and all is well on the fight against the otherside.

While Rome burns.

9 years ago
Reply to  Tom Angle

It’s all shtick and who ever has the front row set gets to laugh the most, Gowdy is a fraud and has not performed his job the way he needs to according to the laws of this nation. Also Boehner has a rope around his neck and is preventing him from doing his job by using intimidation and terrorist tactics which he learned from the head sodomite in the house of sodomy. Boehner is the sodomites mule. Hillary should have been in jail by now with the US marshal’s arresting her and her entire staff for high crimes.