Grab your gun right now.

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a follower
a follower
4 years ago


4 years ago

Followed this site for years. Please stand down. Let the 19th come.

Please watch and check this video’s validity. Even taking the Q stuff out, it’s still powerful.

The infiltrators were infiltrated.

Watch this:

Last 30 minutes is powerful.

January 19th is actual Popcorn Day -- Google it if you don’t believe me.

Why is that important?

The head of Space Force. He’s Trump loyal

You don’t even have to approve this. Just giving you a heads up. President Trump got this.

4 years ago

He’s 100% right — order & organization, and discipline gives you cohesion and from their comes stated mission objectives-- with-out it your rabble shooting squires in the trees — a paramilitary organization need this to be affective in completing the mission and reaching your stated objective and their by mitigating the costs Please wait to act until President Trump is free and clear of DC -- He’s a patriot and deserves it — DC will be their after he’s gone and the Guard will be gone — don’t want to battle our servicemen

Thomas Hanna
Thomas Hanna
4 years ago

Guns already oiled. Putting on my kilt. Gotta moon em first for the next few days.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago

Escape from D.C. ? Good start.
Always said we should erect a wall and create a zone to exile the murderers and crooks.