Graduate students protest repeal of university’s mask mandate


h/t TheBurningPlatform
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Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago

There should have been a counter demonstration.

3 years ago

Who is paying them to protest? Maybe 50 people, at least one is an instructor. Bet they are research assistants. Also what is their graduate work in? Gender studies? Political Science. Bet there are none in medicine.

2 of 5
2 of 5
3 years ago

Freeze their bank accounts, cancel any student loans, arrest the organizers, pull the universities public funding for supporting a display going against freedom. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

Last edited 3 years ago by 2 of 5
3 years ago
Reply to  2 of 5

Donning the cloak of the oppressor? Don’t get me wrong, but we are Americans and as much as I would like to take that route, we must find another path. But, yeah, fu*k these morons.

3 years ago

You just can’t fix stupid.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

Just a small portion of the useful idiots that have infected our country.

3 years ago

I can’t believe there are “smart” people that friggin stupid. Did u hear her? Lots of statistics about how effective masks are? From where, CNN via lying Fauci? Incredible! I’m at a disbelieving utter shock. I don’t have the words. And these youth are supposed to be the future?!?! We’re screwed, royally, no lube, with a big cactus condom. If we don’t remove this cancerous plague from society that is leading all these kids astray, we have no future.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dave

College degrees do not equate to intelligent, very far from it. If I took three additional course, I have a third degree, have, four year and a six year degree and when I speak to young people I guide them to got to technical schools that will teach them a trade and not a pile of political chicken-crap!

3 years ago

I am deeply ashamed to say I did my undergraduate work there. In my defense it was a very different place then.

Otis D
Otis D
3 years ago

I don’t have a problem with stupid sheep donning their own mask. It makes their compliance and status highly visible .

It’s where they think they have the power to tell anyone else they MUST wear a mask, we have a problem.

3 years ago

Hey emily, you are simply wasting your time and money being in school. You obviously have learned zilch….”a cloth mask is simply a facial decoration” quoted from Dr. Leann Wen, CNN medical talking head. So let’s talk microns ya anti-fart little twit.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Kal

Yep she needs to be in a hermetic chamber, pulled down to about 29.9 inches of mercury.

3 years ago

I can be proud today knowing that stupid bitch is not related to me

3 years ago

A holes each and every one of them, I say let them die in there own bacteria.

Surf Nazare
Surf Nazare
3 years ago

the question to ask anyone jumping you for not wearing a mask—tell them to convince you by giving you the science for wearing a mask—-they can’t because there is no science !!! The real science for those that may not know—-
the N95 mask considered to be about the best will protect you from about 3 microns—how big is a micron—a blood cell is about 7 microns—your hair is about 100 microns—got the picture—now the real question is how big is the covid virus—-it is about 1/10th of 1 micron—so the N95 blocks about 3 microns and the covid is 1/10th of 1 micron.
Now give them a visual—a guy has a hose and you are standing in front of a chain link fence and is going to squirt you and he says he wants to help protect you--so go stand behind the fence—-just maybe you might get them to think about how stupid they are—by the way, they have not even isolated the Covid virus in a dish—they can’t tell you all that is in the virus but they have a cure for it—another side note—there are about 3500 variants to the Covid and we have had maybe 3—so that leaves 3497 to go—-

3 years ago

I suppose I’ll get a bunch of replies here, but if you want to wear a mask, then go for it, but don’t tell me that I have to wear that mask. I wear one in the winter time because of the really cold weather, I wear one when doing yard work ( dust ), I wear one when I have a cold and don’t want to share it with anybody ( I guess I’m being selfish on that one ), but I don’t wear one when I’m out and about ( but I do keep my distance from others, but I did that even before the covid crap hit the fan ). Just saying

3 years ago
Reply to  alfie

Different strokes for different folks,and I agree with you masking up for dust and yard work is fine because you don’t want to breathe the dust in, just like the cowboys in the old west when they were on the open range moving cattle they would put there handkerchief around there mouth due to it being very dusty. But remember this the good Lord did not create us to wear masks generally in our day to day affairs, only slaves wore masks.