Graham says he will introduce bill to ‘set the stage’ for US to use military force in Mexico

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Monday said he was prepared to introduce legislation to “set the stage” for U.S. military force in Mexico, saying it was time to “get tough” on the neighboring country after four Americans were kidnapped by armed men this week.

“I would put Mexico on notice,” Graham said. “If you continue to give safe haven to drug dealers, then you are an enemy of the United States.”

Graham added he would “introduce legislation to make certain Mexican drug cartels foreign terrorist organizations under U.S. law and set the stage to use military force if necessary.”

“I would tell the Mexican government if you don’t clean up your act, we’re going to clean it up for you,” the senator said.


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2 years ago

Ahh hahahaha. That was the funniest thing I’ve read all day. I can’t even begin to describe the numerous punch lines. Must be early campaign time. Maybe we can sent the Kamel down there or a twerker or one of our trannies. Personally, since I’m on the border, do something so we can get this show on the road for real.

2 years ago

let’s tally this up shall we, Russia/US, Iran/US, Noko/US, China/US, Mexico/US, did I miss anyone? Just another lunatic amongst the congressional idiots in the clown town of the District of Criminals.

2 years ago

That man disgusts me more than I can express. Sure! Let’s just start another war! 😡

Diva of Dance
Diva of Dance
2 years ago

Sorry. No sympathy here for those 4 felony-stupid US citizens who were warned against traveling to specifically that particular part of Mexico, and yet they went anyway. That area is noted for Americans being taken as hostage by drug cartels and held for ransom. Or wait—maybe this was all staged so that Graham could strut his threats to get our military involved in yet another conflict. Leave the hostages there as that may be the only cure for stupid.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago
Reply to  Diva of Dance

Winner winner chicken dinner!!!!

2 years ago

Well, on the bright side, Graham has been used by the powers that be to toss out “Trial Ballons” for two decades as I recall.

Most of them went nowhere and yet Graham still has a job for what now 20 years?

He’s a useful Idiot for them. Keeps his paycheck secure.

MAYBE the proxy war in Ukraine is deemed “lost” and they need a new Improved War against some WEAK Target like Mexico to YOU KNOW Protect our children from drugs or something.

Would sure be better than trading canned sunshine with the Russians about that 404 country known as CONgress (spelling intentional) money laundry.

Pray for wisdom, protect your family.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago
Reply to  Michael

I believe you are on to something.

2 years ago

Just how many fronts are we to fight on. Pull all troops home and close the border

2 years ago
Reply to  gre81

AND a DMZ (with common citizens volunteering time on the triggers)& cause nobody else said it here yet-HERE’S YOUR RIFLE lindsey

2 years ago

I am in SC and will not vote for my Senators as they have done nothing for Americans. They haven’t worked to get rid of Biden’s Admin as they are both UNIPARTY. If they cared about the border they would have worked to have the border wall built and the military there and active keeping everyone out.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago

Smoke n mirrors. Or they could just come out and tell the sheeple that they are mobilizing assets due to the fact that we are in a war, proxy at the moment. How many plants, trains, trucks, refineries, processing centers and power stations need to “mysteriously” self destruct?!

2 years ago

Little “Miss Lindsey” misses his sidekick ( John McCain) because he is not taken seriously without him. Lindsey is a JAG but that doesn’t make him a “war hero”.
Here’s a little Lindsey history: He grew up in Seneca SC and he and his little sister lived in the back of his parent’s store and pool hall. Lindsey went to college but returned to Seneca at some point because both parents died and he had to raise his little sister. I’ll give him a point for this.
He raised his little sister on Social Security. I doubt he could have raised her adequately without that money. And after all, the parents worked for it, paid it in right?
But Lindsey is always first to want to cut or do away with Social Security.
So he has no actual war experience. He’s a wannabe.
No one can recall a GF in his past although he has lots of female friends to take to functions that require one.