Great News for Our Children

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Jane Tzilvelis
Jane Tzilvelis
2 months ago

Excellent news from Trump!

2 months ago

something most people do not understand, dept. of education, or any other federal government dept….. every dollar you get from them has a string attached to it. “you want this money?? then you do this…”
the federal government is the organ grinder man, he plays the tune, our schools are the monkeys with the tin cup, dancing to the tune and begging for money.

2 months ago

The state education weenies…. And yes, they definitely are weenies and toads, will bellow and bellyache over the change.
The genius off this plan is that it lowers federal waste, federal overhead, Fed employee cost, and makes state legislators have to get more involved with the inner workings of their own schools.
No longer Will some state education weenie say that such and such is required by the feds….

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
2 months ago

If the Marxists cannot kill the children before they are born they will corrupt them after they are born.

2 months ago

Should never have been a federal system in the first place. It was not a power delegated to the Feds, it remains a state function.

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
2 months ago
Reply to  Noway2

Yep. Also, it was a huge mistake when churches surrendered their schools to the state. In our county we still have one and two room school buildings at several churches that were closed down about eighty years ago. That was when government took control of education in our area.

1 month ago
Reply to  Pastor Guest

This was done through taxation…. then offering the stolen taxes back if you submit to 501c3 rules. The power to tax is the power to destroy. It’s all unconstitutional.

2 months ago


Tom Winslow
Tom Winslow
2 months ago

If it happens that the Marxists, with their intricate web of ideological frameworks designed to ostensibly level the socioeconomic playing field, find themselves thwarted in their attempts to terminate the life processes of potential citizens before they can emerge from the womb, thus preventing any form of existence or agency in the societal structures we inhabit, then they will, with utmost certainty, pivot their strategy. They will embark upon a path of moral and intellectual subversion, seeking to infiltrate and ultimately corrupt the innocent minds of these children post-birth. This corruption, one might argue, is not out of malice but rather an ideological imperative to mold the youth into vessels of their doctrines, ensuring that the generational perpetuation of their beliefs is secured through the pervasive influence over education, media, and cultural narratives, thereby reshaping societal norms and individual thought patterns from the very cradle.

2 months ago

This will definitely destroy the brain washing machine agenda of the communist democrat Marxists, but the blue states will continue in their march to madness using their own brain-dead walking zombies to destroy the minds of the young in their states, and the red states will once again begin teaching our children what our nation was founded on and its guiding principles. It will take an entire generation to undo what the democrats have done to our children, but in the meantime the Un brainwashing will begin.

2 months ago

Thank you, President Trump. I can hear the heads exploding over in CDA school district. This will further cement the support for school vouchers/choice here in the Gem State.

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
1 month ago

This is exactly the sort of thing that will have papa bush rolling over in his grave. He-and all the left-have worked so hard for decades to enthrone satan over the US and the whole world. It’d be a pity if all bush clan’s subterfuge and malfeasance came to naught, wouldn’t it? Lest we forget, it was globalist and peanut farmer jimmy carter that put dept of communist indoctrination in place to begin with.

1 month ago

it’s a rats’ nest of satanic perverted depraved filth that run the entire D.C. Education system, all of them need to be fired and I am glad it is going to be closed down, the liberals will do much crying about this because they won’t be able to brainwash the children any longer.