Greater Evil

christian mercenary

by T.L. Davis

There are all sorts of evil in the world, most of which are clouded in defensible acts: the “white lie” comes to mind. Manipulation and coercion are a bit more serious and are usually conducted by someone who intends to profit from it in one way or another. Then there is the brash in-your-face sort of evil that can only come from a government bent on the absolute subjugation of the people.

We think of ourselves as intelligent and caring people. Some of us know that to be a lie, but we profess it anyway as it is pleasing to ourselves. It is an excuse to avoid causing ourselves misery. We hearken back to the founders of the nation, to their thirst for liberty and their dedication to the Lord. We see ourselves in that light, somewhat.

So, I ask you: What is the greater evil? The evil of dictators and kings; open, plain and without shame or the evil of self-deception?

If you believe that the government is out of control; that it is operating extra-constitutionally; that it will use the forces at its disposal to destroy our society and rebuild upon its ashes a temple to itself, is it not incumbent upon you, me, us to do something about it?


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11 years ago

The pandering and can-kicking will go on as long as the people can tolerate it. If history teaches us anything, it is that only when the tyranny and destruction of the disconnected elites become completely unbearable will any greater action happen. I have already withdrawn my sanction; my vote; my tax money; and my cooperation with the system.
To go further before my fellow countrymen awaken to their true condition would be a wasted effort, therefore I watch and wait for the day when the pendulum begins its return, as do many patriots.