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1 month ago

Make it a commonwealth like Puerto Rico…

Diva of Dance
Diva of Dance
1 month ago

Seems there’s a movie about Greenland being the one place on earth to live if you want to survive an apocalypse. Besides the mining and drilling of minerals, watch to see if the elites are first to buy up all the available real estate. Besides, when the earth’s magnetic poles shift and the mantle begins to slip, Greenland can end up at the tropical equator. Gotta think ahead :0)

1 month ago

I wouldn’t worry about that two much, God states in his word the earth would go thru some terrible times but it will be in full tact until the time of his return to gather his elect . When we all hear the trumpet of the lord sounding then we which are alive,
the dead in Christ are raised from the graves first then we which are alive and remain are called up in a twinkling of an eye to be with Christ for evermore. The rest will be held for judgement even the ones who have died will be raised from the dead and all of them will stand for judgement on the earth and cast into hell for all eternity.
And father this the earth along with all man’s work will melt with fervent heat and then be renewed like it was from the beginning of creation. The kingdom has been delivered up and heaven opens and Gods kingdom descends from the heavens to be set up on the new earth forever more. This is what Gods people have been long waiting for since Adam and Eve.