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- GenEarly on Armed Checkpoints in Ohio
- GenEarly on Armed Checkpoints in Ohio
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- phil1350 on Armed Checkpoints in Ohio
- GenEarly on The Real Bidenomics
I would be happy just to shovel crap in his barn. Need a million just like him.
Shoveling the crap out of barn stalls > paperwork, emails and phone calls.
One of the big differences between now and the civil war era is electricity!
With out electricity our society crashes, 99% of the people here in the US don’t know how to survive with out it! We still could have industry, but it is all controlled by electricity! With out electricity we are back to horse power!
While solar power is not the panacea the greens want it to be, it still can provide all or much of our needs. Even a small system can provide lighting and communication. A medium system can provide lighting, communication, fans, refrigeration, and clothes washing, ask your wife how important these things are!
Solar power is still cheap at a dollar a watt and the systems are easy to assemble. You can start small, for under a thousand dollars, or even less!
Even a three hundred dollar system can light much of your home!
The panels are robust as are the are the batteries, the inverters are not, be sure to have back ups protected from EMP. the charge controllers are also delicate, but the system can be run manually! Voltage and current monitoring is very helpful, but use old fashoned meters, not digital!
I don’t sell solar, but I have used it in our remote home for forty years!
When tshtf you have to be able to improvise, murphys law will be in effect.
Tom, always remember the 20 ft rule, never let anyone near you even if it’s a family with children because you cannot tell immediately if it’s a set up. A guy who is very well trained with a knife can take out a man with a gun very easy and fast, if he or she is to close to you. 20 ft. Rule must apply when we are in a grid down scenario as well as shtf scenario. Gauge each situation with caution and safety for your own self and family. During the viet Nam war they always sent children in with c4 explosives attached to them as well as other incendiary devices to blow themselves up in areas where our boys were stationed.
Yep, a man with a knife if within 20ft can reach in a couple of seconds. I recently changed my carry firearm, from a 1911 45 to a glock 45, I have trained and still do in all types of weapons, since the early 80s, it may or may not give me an edge. I have stated before that I have been in over a hundred fights, not bragging that is how it is.
Would add that most of the fights I was in, were during my time in the army and after my discharge. Back in 1968 you were encouraged to drink and fight. I did not get rid of the anger issues until I started practicing martial arts. Most of the people that stuck with it, got into the spiritual side of it, as I did.
I also did my time and was involved in the black arts and trained in ninjitsu and became a Shodan 1st degree Level after three years of training and went on to do some additional training for another year. Even at my age I believe i can still hang from a tree branch upside down if I had to, but hopefully will not need to. So, when the FBI or some other untrained fool from a leo agency who think they are trained come for someone like me there going to have major problem on their hands. Even with their weapons drawn on me i will disable each and every one of them, if there are not too many, I will take them all out and leave their bodies to rot for the vultures to eat. At my age i believe I can still handle about 4-5 simultaneously at close courters and destroy all of them. now if I am harmed with my 42″ long grade 8620 razor sharp Katana, they will have no heads left on their miserable bodies, only their torsos. Iam not going out without them going first. there are many people like me that I still know who say the same to me, they are going to put a big hurting on these fools, and they have no idea what these people can do. they are more dangerous than any trained seal of spec. ops forces or any other federal agent.
Shepherd’s drinking? That means you have a flood on your floor! Seven working line shepherds here including one with LEO parentage!