GRNC Alert 01-17-14: Ashe Co. Attorney Urges Park Ban

Invokes “Wild West” hyperbole…

Ashe County is back in the news once again, being urged by its attorney, John Kilby, to push park gun bans to the point of breaking state law.

According to reports, Kilby has advised Commissioners that expansion of carry rights provided by GRNC-backed legislation (now Session Law 2013-369) still has “gray areas” subject to interpretation about where bans can be enacted in “athletic facilities”.

What is it about the illegality of gun bans in parks that apparently makes municipalities want to pass them? Wouldn’t a responsible civic leader avoid taking any action that might break the law? Politicians who support violating the Second Amendment rights of their constituents don’t appear too worried about violating state law either.

When asked what the consequences of not enacting any ban at all would be, Kilby reportedly answered, “Wild West, I guess.”

Commissioners will next meet Tuesday, January 21st. The issue may be raised again. We should be there to remind them “less is more” when restricting rights of citizens.


  • Email Commissioners. Tell them there’s no reason to ban carry in parks.

  • Plan to attend the Commissioners’ meeting this Tuesday, January 21, 1:00 pm, at the Ashe County Courthouse (150 Government Cir., Jefferson, NC 28640) in the small courtroom. Contact Gene Maples (information below) to coordinate participation.

  • Help GRNC continue to defend your rights by joining and/or donating HERE or go to:

Contact Information

Use this cut-and-paste list to email Ashe County Commissioners:;;

Coordinate attending Tuesday’s Commissioners meeting with Gene Maples, Phone: (910)638-3333, email:


Suggested Subject: “No Ban is Needed”

 Dear Commissioner,

Since 1995, hundreds of thousands of law-abiding North Carolinians have been carrying concealed handguns just about everywhere in our state. During this same period, violent crime rates have decreased by 46%.

Despite “Chicken Little” predictions by opponents of expanded carry laws, citizens with concealed handgun permits have proven themselves to be the most law-abiding group in our state. They deserve your respect, not efforts to ban where they are permitted to defend themselves and their families.

 The state has wisely expanded where North Carolinians may carry firearms. There is no reason for Ashe County to enact bans. The “Wild West” predictions of your attorney are unfounded. If you should decide to unnecessarily restrict lawful carry, common sense dictates you should avoid bans in areas that may conflict with state law. If a ban is in what your attorney mischaracterizes as a “gray area” it most likely is illegal and should be avoided.

Failure to comply with state law may have serious consequences, including wasting taxpayer money on litigation you cannot win. I will be monitoring your actions via Grass Roots North Carolina legislative alerts.

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11 years ago

You are welcome to copy / paste the content of my email to Ashe County:

Subject: Need your help to address a Hate-Crime

What ? Where in the local news is there a report of a “hate-crime” ?

Right here: Ashe County is back in the news once again, being urged by its attorney, John Kilby, to push park gun bans to the point of breaking state law. (Excerpt from GRNC email Alert sent 17 January 2014)

Kilbys’ action embodies a clear and irrational hatred for individual liberty and the principles embraced in the founding of this great land. Take a moment and reflect upon the conclusion of this Report:

“The Right To Keep And Bear Arms -- Report of the Subcommittee on the Constitution …” 97th Congress, Second Session.

The conclusion is thus inescapable that the history, concept, and wording of the second amendment to the Constitution of the United States, as well as its interpretation by every major commentator and court in the first half-century after its ratification, indicates that what is protected is an individual right of a private citizen to own and carry firearms in a peaceful manner.

[ Full text of the Senate Report: ]

Like me, many individuals carry daily for self defense. We carry open … we carry concealed … we carry peacefully … we carry everywhere. And we do it within the spirit of the common-law as documented in the Senate Report above.

Your attempt to criminalize our behavior through statute, ordinance and regulation of civil-law is offensive to the rational mind.

This is hate-crime … hatred of Liberty.

Ron Newman
Ron Newman
11 years ago

What should be the major concern is that in most Counties in North Carolina the County Attorney is basically a paid legal interpreter for the County Commissioners. This position is not elected by the people. His opinion should have no more authority in matters other than is this legal or illegal than that of the County Solid waste manager.

Both have sworn the oath listed in chapter 107. They are both oath guided to defend the Constitutions of the Federal and State. Why do we assume the power of a paid Bar-fly attorney is more n a tax paying person living in that County.

When he calls for the violation of our rights is he not in violation of his oath and due for termination?