On February 15, GRNC informed you that the First Citizens Bank (FCB) Board of Directors voted to post their branches against the lawful carry of firearms. This means that FCB is now the only bank in North Carolina that prohibits personal protection! Naturally, GRNC members and other gun rights supporters contacted FCB to express their grave concern over the dangerous practice of banning defensive weapons. This is particularly dangerous at banks, where customers regularly carry large amounts of cash. What could be more hazardous than a criminal-friendly protection-free zone at a bank?!

First Citizens Bank Ignores Its Customers
Unfortunately, even after hearing from its customers, FCB has decided to remain in the anti-gun camp. They are posting their branches against the lawful carry of firearms, putting their customers at risk, and sending a strong message to the criminal element:  “Easy pickins’ here at First Citizens Bank!” Fortunately for FCB, if they insist that lawfully armed customers not visit their bank, there is a simple way for gun owners to oblige them.

Misconception about Banks and Firearms
There is a common misconception that carrying firearms in banks is illegal. Fortunately, this is not the case in North Carolina. Banks are insured by the FDIC, but this does not cause them to be considered federal property where firearms might be prohibited by federal law. Since HB 650 took effect in 2011, it has been legal to carry firearms in NC banks that are not posted against the otherwise lawful practice.

Make One Last Withdrawal from First Citizens Bank

Because of the danger its Board of Directors has introduced into banking at FCB, and because of the bank’s evident disrespect for its law-abiding, gun-owning customers, GRNC is strongly recommending that FCB customers close their accounts at First Citizens Bank. Make a final withdrawal from this “gun free zone,” and move your business to a bank that respects its customers, and shows genuine concern for their safety. We recommend Wells Fargo, because they don’t post against their law-abiding customers, but simply follow state and federal law regarding firearms. 


Send a Message
As you close your accounts at First Citizens Bank, be sure to ask for the branch manager. Tell him or her why you are shifting your banking business elsewhere. As gun rights supporters and public safety advocates move their cash and loans to other institutions, it’s important that FCB management know why.

After you move your accounts, also contact FCB via their website to let them know why. Click here to do so (or go to:

At the FCB website, click the “Send a Message” button under “Email Us.” Use the copy/paste text under the ‘Deliver This Message,’ section below.


GRNC has learned that Wells Fargo respects the rights of gun owners, and will not place its customers in danger by creating hazardous “gun free zones” in and around its branches. According to Wells Fargo personnel:


The State of North Carolina has scratched out the verbiage indicating no weapons in financial institutions within statute. Business partners (customers) can carry them either concealed or under the open carry law if they are legally entitled to do so. Placards SHOULD NOT BE displayed on retail stores because we comply with both State and Federal laws.” 

For this reason, GRNC strongly recommends that gun rights supporters deny their business to First Citizens Bank, and move their accounts to Wells Fargo, or one of the other banks listed above.



Suggested Subject: “Closed Accounts Due to Anti-Gun Policy”  

Dear First Citizens Bank Board Members:

I regret to have to inform you that I have closed my accounts at First Citizens Bank.

Grass Roots North Carolina has informed me that the Board recently voted to post against the lawful carry of firearms in First Citizens Bank branches. Criminal-friendly “gun free zones” are extremely dangerous, particularly at financial institutions, where customers routinely carry large amounts of cash. Disarming your law-abiding customers also sends a strong message of distrust and disrespect. Given this, I am no longer comfortable banking at your institution.

It is unfortunate that our business relationship has ended this way. Perhaps you will reconsider this hazardous and disrespectful anti-gun policy before losing more customers and investors.


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9 years ago

I already cancel my accounts with this bank, and i would suggest everyone else do the same, we need to send a message to these companies who listen to mothers against guns who are a bloombergs make me up group of liar and lunatics, in everything this fringe lunatic leftist group does is shaded in deceit , fraud, purposeful errors, etc. in the end this group the end justifies the means.

Stephen Hahn
9 years ago

First South Bank also is posted against legal weapons.