GRNC Alert 1-15-12 NC Anti-Gun Mayors Back Obama Gun Ban

They “Demand A Plan” to revoke Second Amendment rights

You may have heard of rabidly anti-gun NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s organization, Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG). Make no mistake, these tyrants are against YOUR guns, not “illegal” ones. As you may recall, MAIG contains numerous  criminals who are themselves barred by federal law from possessing firearms (see “Gun Owners Against Illegal Mayors”).

Whatever their rationale, North Carolina MAIG members have decided to jump on the Obama/Biden/Feinstein gun ban bandwagon. Morrisville Mayor Jackie Holcombe, Durham Mayor Bill Bell, and Chapel Hill Mayor Mark Kleinschmidt have recently launched television ads supporting draconian bans on semi-automatic firearms and standard capacity magazines. According to Kleinschmidt,

“Americans agree that now is the time for Washington to create a plan to address gun violence in America.”

The mayor fails to understand that “bans” don’t constitute “plans.” If these gun control extremists were really interested in reducing violence, they would push for the elimination of “Gun Free Zones” that have become the most dangerous places in our society. Instead they exploit another predictable mass-murder of defenseless students in another one of the “Gun Free School Zones” that their laws have created. This stance makes it perfectly clear that reduced violence isn’t their goal, increased control is.


  • CONTACT ANTI-GUN MAYORS: Tell them to leave law-abiding North Carolina gun owners alone.
  • SIGN THE “STOP THE GUN BAN” PETITION: Go Whether or not you have already signed it, forward this to others and tell them to sign it too.
  • SUPPORT GRNC: Thanks to your generosity, GRNC continues to gain strength, but we will need more to fight the looming ban. If you have already contributed, please tell others to go to:


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Suggested subject: North Carolina gun owners will not compromise rights.

Dear Mayor:

Reports indicate that you are pushing the Obama/Biden/Feinstein gun ban proposal in North Carolina. These plans involve clear violation of my Second Amendment rights and will not be tolerated. Nothing in these proposals is acceptable to North Carolina gun owners. No compromise will be accepted.

If you have a genuine interest in reducing violent crime, you will advocate eliminating “Gun Free Zones” and repeal of the disastrous “Gun Free Schools Zone Act” of 1996. I urge you to stop all other activities related to promoting gun control in our state. I will monitor your actions via Grass Roots North Carolina legislative alerts, and I will remember at election time.


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altovise frZIER
altovise frZIER
9 years ago

guns are bad if a person use it on the street to so-call solve their problem between people.