GRNC Alert 12-6-13: Bloomberg-Funded “Moms Demand” Group Spreads Lies in NC

Misinformation campaign helped by complicit anti-gun media… YOU

See the News & Observer’s “Under the Dome” recent ‘gift to gun control’, and MAKE SURE to comment! We need to oppose gun control squibs such as this:

“In the year since the horrific shooting in Newtown, CT, our state legislature, by mandating guns on playgrounds, parks, and restaurants and bars families frequent, has increased the chances a child will be shot, not decreased it, as other, more responsible states have done. . . “

Moms Demand” is the newest astroturf spin-off of Bloomberg’s MAIG cabal of anti-gun mayors. This incarnation is particularly insidious as it claims to represent mothers concerned about the safety of their children.

Nothing could be further from the truth. They want kids to continue to be defenseless targets in “Gun Free” schools, just like the Sandy Hook victims were.

Moms Demand” is actually a small group of elitist gun control extremists led by former Monsanto communications executive Shannon Watts. Watts is a PR expert and hired hand on Bloomberg’s payroll. The “Moms” angle is morbidly intended to divert sympathy following the Newtown tragedy, a ruse they intend to exploit to it’s fullest on the rapidly approaching December 14th anniversary.

Unfortunately, local media is giving them support and helping them prey on emotions to attack the rights of North Carolinians.

Gun Control “Moms” Lie

Gun control is founded on lies, and “Moms” is no exception. First, the group claims to have 120,000 members, with 6000 in North Carolina. This despite existing less than a year and only having only two “members” that have been identified in our state.

One of their first dishonest “Moms” campaigns was directed against Texas Open Carry, a group pushing to end the handgun open carry ban in that state. Unlike in our state, Texans may only openly carry long guns. The group ran afoul of four “Moms” who took pictures of the group, claiming that they were intentionally “intimidating” them. It turns out the group peacefully posed for pictures that a clandestine “Mom” photographer requested.

More recently Staples, Inc., an office supply chain that recognizes state carry laws has come under attack. “Moms” have been attempting to brow-beat local managers into posting against lawful carry. Desperate to claim victory in an over-promoted and under-supported campaign, they dishonestly claimed victory in a Virginia outlet, perhaps thinking that nobody would notice. Thankfully, our northern friends of the Virginia Citizens Defense League were monitoring the situation, and blew the lid off “Moms” subterfuge. The location in question remains unposted and management reports no plans to do so.

More recently in our state, frustrated by GRNC’s successful “High Risk Restaurants” campaign to identify and discourage dangerous posting against carry, “Moms” have taken matters into their own hands by posting eateries without permission. Our colleague Sean Sorrentino at an NC Gun Blog details one such failed attempt. GRNC supporters should be on the look-out for more, making sure to use GRNC High Risk Restaurant Cards to report posted locations. This will help us root-out those misposted by lying “Moms”.

More on victory in Alamance County

We are grateful for critical assistance by radio station WBAG and specifically Harry Myers’ TalkLine show for getting out the word on the proposed open carry ban.

Volunteers Needed!

Second Amendment supporters with writing talent and computer skills are needed to help in creating communications and alerts. If you are capable in these areas, please consider volunteering. Your help is needed in our fight to preserve Second Amendment freedom. Please email with a description of your abilities and contact information.


We are grateful for critical assistance by radio station WBAG and specifically Harry Myers’ TalkLine show for getting out the word on the proposed open carry ban.

Volunteers Needed!

Second Amendment supporters with writing talent and computer skills are needed to help in creating communications and alerts. If you are capable in these areas, please consider volunteering. Your help is needed in our fight to preserve Second Amendment freedom. Please email with a description of your abilities and contact information.

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