GRNC Alert 3-10-13: Remove Obstructions To Concealed Handgun Permits

Remove Obstructions To Concealed Handgun Permits

Over the past two years, many of you have told GRNC that some sheriffs are obstructing concealed handgun permits by either delaying issuance or asking for intrusive personal medical information. Others are imposing extra requirements such as photos, character affidavits and fees for redundant criminal background checks.

1. GRNC has listened. Thanks to Representative Jonathan Jordan (R-Ashe, Watauga, GRNC ****), this week will see introduction of the “Handgun Permit Modernization Act,” which will:

  • Remove redundant mental health checks: Our CHP law predates the computerized National Instant Background Check System, which for several years has included mental health data. Yet NC CHPs continue to be delayed as sheriffs send forms to local mental health facilities. Worse, some sheriffs have begun requiring physicians to “certify” the mental health of applicants.
  • Stipulate that no additional information or fees may be required: Among the abuses we have seen, sheriffs have had applicants line up with sex offenders for mug shots, while others have required additional background checks (and fees), notarized character affidavits, and even contact information for employers.
  • Limit permit application processing to 45 days: At present, sheriffs are delaying permits for several weeks due to mental health check delays from local facilities.


Help Rep. Jordan move this bill, which will be filed on Monday:

  • Email NC House Speaker Thom Tillis and Rules Chair Rep. Tim Moore and ask them for a favorable committee assignment for the bill
  • Immediately email and call your representative to the North Carolina House and ask them to co-sponsor this critical legislation


Speaker Thom Tillis:

Rules Chair Rep. Tim Moore:

To find your House rep, go to:


Suggested Subject: “Remove Obstructions To Concealed Handgun Permits”

To Speaker Tillis and Rep. Moore:

Dear ______________:

Please support Representative Jonathan Jordan’s “Handgun Permit Modernization Act” by giving it a favorable committee assignment. Too many obstructions prevent lawful North Carolinians from obtaining concealed handgun permits essential to protecting themselves and their families. Our law was drafted long before creation of the computerized National Instant Background Check System, and long before North Carolina began reporting mental health data to that system. Yet permits are being delayed as sheriffs make archaic, haphazard and redundant inquiries to local mental health clinics.

Some sheriffs are subjecting permit applicants to arbitrary requirements beyond those stipulated by the General Assembly despite the fact that our concealed handgun permit application system was intended to be a uniform statewide process.  These extra requirements include “mug shots,” extra fees and even phone calls to employers.

Since inception of the law in 1995, concealed handgun permit-holders have spent eighteen years proving themselves sane, sober and law-abiding, with a rate of permit revocation of less than three tenths of a single percent. By reducing delays in permit issuance, this non-controversial bill may well save lives.




To your House rep:

Dear _______________:

Please co-sponsor Representative Jonathan Jordan’s “Handgun Permit Modernization Act.” Too many obstructions prevent lawful North Carolinians from obtaining concealed handgun permits essential to protecting themselves and their families. Our law was drafted long before creation of the computerized National Instant Background Check System, and long before North Carolina began reporting mental health data to that system. Yet permits are being delayed as sheriffs make archaic, haphazard and redundant inquiries to local mental health clinics.

Some sheriffs are subjecting permit applicants to arbitrary requirements beyond those stipulated by the General Assembly despite the fact that our concealed handgun permit system was intended to be a uniform statewide process.  These extra requirements include “mug shots,” extra fees and even phone calls to employers.

Since inception of the law in 1995, concealed handgun permit-holders have spent eighteen years proving themselves sane, sober and law-abiding, with a rate of permit revocation of less than three tenths of a single percent. By reducing delays in permit issuance, this non-controversial bill may well save lives.


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11 years ago

The Second Amendment contains the following phrase, ” … shall not be infringed.” So why, pray tell, are so many folks so anxious to allow their right to ‘carry’ to be infringed? Placing conditions on who, how, when, and where we ‘carry’ is infringement. Accepting a CC permit also puts one on a ‘list’, and we all now know that the ‘list’ can be made public, not to mention targeting the CC permit holder as a gun owner should confiscation be undertaken.

When one applies for the CC permit, one is requesting that their rights be infringed. Think about it. If you believe what you believe is really real … act on it! Reject the permits. Civil disobedience anyone?

John Latham
John Latham
10 years ago

Has this bill been passed into law?