GRNC Alert 8-18-12: Johnston County Votes Your Rights Away

Unanimous Vote Sweeps Away Progress

On Monday, August 6th, the Johnston County Board of Commissioners silently adopted over-reaching new noise ordinances designed to, among other things, silence virtually all gunfire within the County. The only exemptions allowed for under the new proposals are for hunting, self-defense, and the odd circumstances “pursuant to lawful directions of law-enforcement officers”. With only these exemptions in place, virtually all other forms of gunfire could subject  you to a Class III misdemeanor charge under the new laws!

Despite reaching a reasonable agreement last year between the County and residents and forming a policy based on mutual respect, the Johnston County Board of Commissioners this time swept away this agreement and voted unanimously to adopt the new laws without your input! Only random chance prevented these new proposals from becoming law in August, which was due to one of the Commissioners not being present to vote. Due to state law, the proposals now require a second vote with all Commissioners being present.

Last chance to be heard!

The second vote is scheduled for at the next Board of Commissioners meeting on September 4th at 6:00pm. If the proposal receives a majority vote, it will then become the law of the land in Johnston County. This is your one chance to attend the meeting and have your voice heard! All concerned residents of Johnston County should attend the meeting in order to insure that your rights are not discarded by the Board of Commissioners.

You can also let your displeasure be known by contacting the individual Johnston County Commissioners prior to the next scheduled meeting through either email or by phone using the contact information provided below. Although they may be attempting to pass these proposals in an attempt to quell the actions of one or two County residents, they have to know that sweeping away the rights of all County residents is notthe way to do it! Your respectful, yet resolved voice will go a long way in letting them know that you will not stand idle and let them vote your rights out of existence.


You need you to do three things:

  • Email and call the Johnston County Commissioners using the contact information provided below
  • Attend the Next Schedule Board of Commissioners Meeting on September 4th, 2012 at 6:00pm
  • Support GRNC!: As we move closer to the national and local elections this Fall, GRNC needs your support to help combat the efforts against your rights as gun owners. Join or renew your membership!


Johnston County Board of Commissioners:
Allen L. Mims, Jr, Chairman:
Jeffrey P. Carver, Vice Chairman:
Wade M. Stewart:
Cookie Pope: 919-934-6187
W. Ray Woodall:
DeVan Barbour: 919-938-2050
Tony Braswell: 919-669-6598
Copy and paste email list:


Suggested Subject: “No Misguided Noise Ordinance

Dear Commissioner,
I have recently learned of your attempt to circumvent my rights by virtue of your recent vote on proposed noise ordinances. I am deeply troubled that, if passed, these proposals will absolutely limit my ability to shoot on my own land with only a very limited set of exemptions allowed for.
Despite reaching a compromise last year and passing a set of laws that was conducive to good natured relations between all parties involved, you have recently decided to vote for sweeping new proposals without my input which willseverely limit my rights as a gun owner who resides in or visits your County. By passing these proposals, you will limit my ability to shoot recreationally unless I happen to be hunting, defending myself, or under the direction of law enforcement officers, under the threat of being charged with a Class III Misdemeanor.
Even if a limited number of residents have presented problems, severely limiting the rights of all  County residents is not an acceptable resolution. To sweep away our rights and take away our ability to shoot on our own lands while maintaining civil respect to all residents of the County is simply unacceptable.
I strongly urge you to reconsider your position on these proposals and work together with all  residents of Johnston County to form a more reasonable solution to any problems which may be occurring as a result of the noise related to lawful gunfire.
I will be closely monitoring all progress in this matter via GRNC Alerts.
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Ben Herrmann
Ben Herrmann
12 years ago

Isn’t this some typical government BS -- I’m almost banking on the fact that most of these commissioners are Progressives (or progressive wanna-bees). Gosh how I hate them. This is how these types of restrictions begin -- on a local level and then these ideas expand incrementally to other counties/municipalities unless we the people take a strong stand and force these animals back into their cages where they belong!