GRNC Alert: Is Andrews the next Chapel Hill?

Andrews Aldermen Lurch Leftward…

Yesterday at a work session, the Board of Aldermen in Andrews, NC put in motion their scheme to restrict lawful carry of firearms on town properties. This could create, for the first time in town history an ordinance that bans lawful carry of firearms including, potentially,a blanket ban on open carry in the town. Why, one might ask? Is it because of threats or violence on Town property? No record of such criminal activities can be found. Is it because Cherokee county, home to the Town of Andrews bans such lawful activity? (They do not.) No, more likely, it’s just because they can!

Apparently, the Mayor and Aldermen in Andrews want to destroy the mountain heritage of gun ownership in order to create a new leftist “Chapel Hill of western North Carolina.” We’ve already lost Asheville to the leftists. Will you let them have Andrews too?

Grass Roots North Carolina has put the Board of Aldermen on notice that we will fight their effort. We’ve also put them on notice that we will encourage you to attend their meetings to advocate against disarming lawful citizens.


  • Attend the meeting where  the proposed “Firearms Ban” will be discussed on Tuesday August 11 at 5:30 PM. The address of the town hall is 1101 Main St, Andrews, NC, 28901.
  • Call, write and email the mayor, the aldermen and the city manager and let them know exactly how you feel about this proposed ordinance.
  • Help GRNC to continue defending YOUR rights by renewing your membership or donating HERE or go to:

Contact Info

Mayor Nancy Curtis: Office: (828) 629-2400, Cell: (828) 557-4192
Alderman Phil Horton: Cell: (828) 557-7672
Alderman Gary James: Cell: (828)-557-7885
Alderman Jerry Pullium: Cell: (828)-557-7595
Alderman Ray Frazier: Cell: (828)-557-3108
City Manager Ed Burchins: Office (828) 629-2502, Cell: (828) 557-8398

Use the following cut-and-paste email list to contact the mayor, the aldermen and the city manager:;;;;;


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John Kummer
9 years ago

Sadly, the secular progressives have always planned on expanding the Asheville “weirdness corridor” to the rest of Western NC. Here in Sylva, next door to Western Carolina, it already resembles a miniature Chapel Hill. We, the small yet dedicated remnant of Liberty-minded folks are at a distinct disadvantage. We persist as we must.