GRNC-PVF Alert 01-21-16: RINOs Target One of NC’s Most Pro-Gun Advocates

When gun rights are in peril, he speaks up and stands firm. When gun rights are advancing, he leads the charge …

Rep. Larry Pittman (R-Cabarrus, GRNC****) is one of the most pro-gun members of the North Carolina House. He has repeatedly earned a perfect four star rating from GRNC for his words, his actions, and most importantly his votes in the North Carolina House. Larry Pittman does not just talk the talk, he walks the walk. He has fearlessly and unapologetically fought for your gun rights.

RINOs Go After Pittman

Rep. Pittman is a true statesman whose words on the campaign trail match his actions in Raleigh. So naturally, the RINO class (“Republicans in name only”) are none-too-happy with him. Pittman does not “go along to get along,” and so he has been targeted for defeat in 2016.

Fight for Rep. Pittman

Rep. Pittman needs your help. He has spent his time in the General Assembly fighting hard for gun owners, and this puts his 2016 candidacy at risk. With all that Pittman has done for gun owners in this state, it is hoped that “We, the Grass Roots” will step up and show him the support he greatly deserves. His campaign needs volunteers and financial support.


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