GRNC Update 12-2-13 Open Carry Victory in Alamance County!

Gun ban proposed in reaction to open carry nixed…

As you will recall from previous GRNC alerts, Alamance county employees reportedly had inappropriate emotional reactionsto citizens paying taxes while legally armed.

Gun control-supporting politicians used these inappropriate responses as an excuse to propose an open carry ban on county property. Such a ban would have clearly violated the constitution of North Carolina.

Thanks to your overwhelming input following GRNC alerts,Alamance county commissioners felt the heat, and saw the light.

Not only was the proposed open carry ban defeated, but the earlier 1995 concealed carry ban on county property was repealed!

Count this as another clear victory for YOU, the freedom-loving citizens of North Carolina! It was your decisive input that made the difference.

Commissioner Tim Sutton was a clear Second Amendment defender and deserves our thanks, as do local GRNC supporters who did the essential leg work in attending meetings, gathering information, and in speaking in support of the rights all North Carolinans. These patriots have earned our gratitude.

Congratulate yourselves on another battle won in the war to restore the right to bear arms in North Carolina!

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