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That is *exactly* how the US government works though. The lawless dictate policy, and we obey. If not, the 3 letter gangs take us away.
Reasonable, logical, and brilliant in its undeniable truth and simplicity; it is exactly the kind of thinking that totalitarians and tyrants hate.
You should read more about Lysander Spooner.
I promise you I will, first chance I get. Wishing you a happy and productive day.
I shall begin with No Treason, by Mr. Spooner. I had heard of Mr. Spooner, author and intellectual, but I will admit that I’m not all that familiar with his works. However, you have piqued my interest in the views this man held, and I must know more. Thank-you.
Thank Fran Porretto. He is the one who wrote a science fiction series based on Spoonerites.
He piqued my interest and I bought more books concerning Mr. Spooner.
I weary of when folks question or try to argue the logic of the “common sense gun confiscation” crowd. Over and over we assail their efforts with “They’re so stupid. Less guns equal more crime” and on and on. We well know the anti gunners’ pleas and demands and suggestions are not actually underpinned by any manner of logic and reason, although some grass roots herds argue their point under the color of some imagined “perspective” and floods of emotion. The whole point of gun control/confiscation is totalitarianism. Period. Just like the Lmnopq agenda, just like the environmental agenda (more taxes and less cow farts…?) just like the universal healthcare agenda and the CBDC agenda it is for the dark and sinister purposes of control and elimination of people-people made in the image and likeness of God. We are way past “nuh uh, guns don’t cause crime, people do!” Only totalitarians(khazars) with evil in their hearts seek to disarm law abiding peoples. Anyone that tries to argue for “gun control” or “common sense gun confiscation” that refuses to acknowledge the totalitarian aim of the agenda is a “useful idiot” (as the khommunists call them) and nothing more. Should the khazarians get their collective way, the anti-gunner-useful-idiots will be crushed into powder by their masters just like antifa, blm, the environmentalists and the rest of their legions of followers. The real question is-“How many children do the leftists have to murder in order to fully enact gun confiscation in America?”
The Comment That Nails It -- American Partisan There is only one reason they want us dis-armed, you know it and I know it. The sick illegal regime fly’s the lqbtqrrst flag at our embassy’s, how far are they willing to go?
“How far are they willing to go?” Tom, as I know you know, they have declared war on everyone who loves and cherishes liberty. And they will not stop until they have murdered every last one of us.
Yes we know strider, your welcome for that link.
I forgot to say, thanks for the link!
Armed people tend not to allow themselves and their families be loaded on to cattle cars destined for concentration camps.
That is all.