Gun Bills Fail in Senate


The four gun proposals introduced in the wake of the terrorist attack in Orlando, Florida, failed to reach the required 60 votes for passage during a Senate vote on Monday.

The proposals were introduced by both Democrats and Republicans.

The Democrats, which forced the votes after a nearly 15-hour filibuster last week, put forth bills that would extend background checks to sales between private individuals in the used gun market and give the attorney general the power to deny those he or she suspects of ties to terrorism the right to purchase a firearm.

The Republicans focused on increasing funding for the FBI background check system and a procedure that would delay gun purchases by those the FBI suspects of terror connections for three days and allow the government to petition a court to block the sale permanently.


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Tom Angle
8 years ago

“Sen. John Cornyn’s (R., Texas) plan, which is backed by the National Rifle Association, to delay gun purchases by terror suspects for 72 hours while the FBI investigates the purchaser but requires a legal review before a permanent denial can take place received the most support with 53 votes for and 47 votes against.”

Who determines who is a terrorist?

So not a review can deny a citizen their right to purchase a firearm? Just a review, not a trial. Is this what the NRA stands for?