Gun owners of America unite! Emily Miller is seeking photos of gun-toting patriots for her new book

The Washington Times' Emily Miller with a handgun.

The Washington Times’ Emily Miller with a handgun.

Own a gun? Emily Miller, an award-winning columnist for The Washington Times who’s made waves and rocked boats with her coverage of Second Amendment issues, wants your photograph for her new book.

The tome, “Emily Gets Her Gun … But Obama Wants Yours,” will include photographs of average, law-abiding Americans posing with their weapons. And thousands of the pictures are sought, Ms. Miller’s publisher, Regnery, said.

“Anti-gun extremists try to paint gun owners as back-country crackpots who can’t be trusted with the weapons they own. Send us your picture to show that gun owners are just like you and me — ordinary people with a sport, a passion, or just the plain old need to defend themselves,” the publisher said in a statement.


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