Gun Revolution 2016

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9 years ago

obama obama obama

The Republicans are COMPLICIT and have funded
this usurper at every step of the way..

9 years ago

you are 100% correct the Rinos who run the leadership and also the RNC have corrupted there own party and have abandoned every principal which they were supposed to adhere to, it was them that took there instructions from Pelosi and Reid and gave them every thing they could ever hoped for and more. The rinos betrayed there own oaths and have WHORED themselves to there pump master Obama. I wont be happy till every one of them are hanged for treason and there filthy stinking necks are dangling from the end of a hangmans noose along with every demoncrat also. this is the worse bunch of evil narcissistic human trash I have witnessed running our government..

Tom Angle
9 years ago


Tom Angle
9 years ago

I would have to disagree with. What we see in the republican party is what it has been since it’s inception.

From it’s inception it invaded a sovereign nation and and forced it them back into the union. Once they where back in they where forced to vote for the 13th and 14th amendments or they where not allowed representation.

In the resent past, they passed the civil right bill (I know Johnson signed it) That gave a group special privileges and protected. Nixon us the EPA, health care, OSHA and so on. Bush 1, his New World Order speech says it all. Then there was Bush 2, Patriot act alone should suffice.

In all those times that they controlled congress and the presidency, what that We the People gained? Nothing, everyone talks about Reagan, but what freedoms did We regain when he was in office with control of both houses?

The republican party has never been anything but an party that destroyed the Constitution.