Guns & Ammo Shortages a Harbinger for What’s Coming to Gold & Silver Markets

gold & silver sold out

By Bill Holter:

With factories cranking out guns and ammo at 110% of capacity, how could a shortage currently exist?

Now, think about the Gold and Silver mining industry.  Peak production took place over 10 years ago.  What do you think will happen when investors, big BIG investors not just in the U.S. but ALL over the world vote with their trillion Dollar wallets?  Do you really believe that you’ll have any chance at all to purchase Silver or Gold? 

No, you won’t which is why you need to be pre-positioned because what “was” available yesterday will go into hiding over night.  This is not even a bold prediction anymore.   This is exactly what will happen and again illustrate the simple concept of supply and demand!

Now, think about the Gold and Silver mining industry.  Peak production took place over 10 years ago.  What do you think will happen when investors, big BIG investors not just in the U.S. but ALL over the world vote with their trillion Dollar wallets?  Do you really believe that you’ll have any chance at all to purchase Silver or Gold?  No, you won’t which is why you need to be pre positioned because what “was” available yesterday will go into hiding over night.  This is not even a bold prediction anymore.  This is exactly what will happen and again illustrate the simple concept of supply and demand! 

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