The Dead Rise on John Street
You might have noticed that the massive investment in Halloween yard shrines by families growing broke in America reflects the ghoulish convergence of malevolent events undermining and overtaking what used to be normal life in this land. Nothing is normal anymore. The groaning mummies, howling werewolves, and shrieking skeletons are trying to tell us something.
The message might be: detach from reality long enough and death comes creeping ’round your door. You see where consensual madness has gotten us? Believe enough things that are not true and nemesis comes roaring in, all fangs and claws, to gleefully shred you. So. Maybe it’s time to stop believing things that are not true.
Start with the first principle of US life in our time: that anything goes and nothing matters. This proposition has ruled for as long as most of us can remember. Consequence was exiled on Main Street so you can get away with anything now — until you discover that, somehow, everything is broken. Your livelihood is broken. Your community is broken. Your household is broken. Your car is broken. Your children are broken. Your health is broken. Your faith is broken. Your country is broken.
Here’s a first principle worth considering: court death and it will oblige you. Granted, there is a certain libido for nonexistence in the human psyche because life is so hard sometimes that you yearn to be relieved of it. But not everyone in America seeks to walk that way. Probably fewer than half of us. So why do we allow that other half to drag us to the bone orchard? Do you see what it means to get your mind right when times get hard and the path is uncertain?
It is funny what we can get used to, the blatant stolen election, the peaceful color revolution, the kill shot genocide, the sexual abuse and indoctrination of our children in the sex camps known as schools and on and on. What kind of men have we become? I am not looking to restore the Republic, it fell a long time ago, we need a brand new Republic with the old constitution. That is going to take some blood, sweat and tears, can it be done? I believe it can, if we can somehow come together.
it might be too late to restore it. It looks to me we will have nation states apart from the federal government and this will be done by default, because the fed negated the constitution and the rule of law. They will be forced to go their own way or there will be war against them and the federal bloated bureaucracy they created. The fed will keep the communist run northeast blue states along with the west coast blue liberal communist states.
We don’t celebrate Halloween at our house. Why invite the gouls and demons in. We already have enough of that in day to day living. I place my faith in Bible and guns for the coming times.