Ham Radio Update in California

h/t Steve Quayle

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5 years ago

The search to punish the innocent is well underway. How many forest fires have been caused by ham radio repeaters? Oh…none?

5 years ago

Dave Vick
8 hours ago (edited)
I saw this posted elsewhere:
“Heads-up related to a California/ham radio video we do not need to have shared here… or anywhere for that matter…

“There is a “viral video” going around proclaiming and asserting that “California declares ham radio no longer a benefit…”

“That click bait, the content of the presentation, and the original situation prompting this video range from deceptive to false. Actually unbecoming amateur radio.

“The original situation is over a repeater system not authorized to be in the State-owned radio site where it is/was. The State agency had no reason to fund the repeater site costs and suggested the individual make proper application and submit fees to be approved to stay at the site.

“(EVERY radio in a State site must go through this process -- from law enforcement to fire service to road maintenance to business to hams -- someone/everyone has to pay.)

“This story first came out via a private website encouraging everyone to call their representatives in hope of getting the issue turned in favor of the repeater owner. That content is also not completely honest or respectful to amateur radio or the agency involved.

“There is more fact behind the story neither source above care to present. I’ve been in contact with people familiar with such issues at state, county and private levels in addition to my own experience in this realm.

“As with good Elmering, the general good of amateur radio is best served by open, honest, objective, rational discourse, discovery and sharing -- not ‘reactions.’

“That said -- amateur radio is NOT dead in California, “the State” is NOT trying to kill it off, no one in any agency with a relationship to ham radio is against it. Simply, tax payer dollars are just not available to pay for everyone’s/anyone’s repeater site. That is all.”

5 years ago
Reply to  zebblanc

I hope it is correct that this is a knee-jerk reaction that lead to creating “click-bait.” Where can we find the references for the original statement from the California official(s)?