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- Bear Claw on DOGE Finds $2 Billion in Taxpayer Funds Earmarked for Stacey Abrams-Linked Group
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If I were a soulless murdering scumbag taking orders from pedo mullahs, my target(s) would be Chicago, NY City, or SoCal(or any multitude of progressive Eurotrash cities). The reason, disarmed and brainwashed populaces.
Here in the Land of Oz we have many more firearms than people, lots of them scoped for long range food acquisition. We are Constitutional Carry, so a sizeable contingent of regular folks quietly pack heat. Bad optics for those intent on causing terror.
I just found out that Israel created Hamas to counter Arafat. It’s amazing how the streets of Israel were filled with demonstrators protesting the Israel government. And now everything has changed.
Just another example of your enemies enemy is not necessarily a friend. Thinking and acting in this way can come back to bite you.
The good people of Israel have known for quite some time their government is not exactly “for them”. Sounds familiar ey?
Can us White folk get in on this ? Show em how it’s done ?
Check your gig line. Your black socks and khaki pants are showing.
What chickenshit. These screwballs are completely undeserving of any credence from us after their stupid assault on Women and Children.
Let them go hang themselves and drown.
Louis Farrakhan is wrong. It is Islam that is a gutter religion.
I don’t know much about Farrakhan but I’ll say this, I saw a video of him speak about the Rothchilds and the Federal Reserve almost a decade ago to a huge crowd. He did a better job than I could of done back then.
Many false prophets share some basic truths in their mix. This is why we all should pray for ‘His’ wisdom and discernment and begin to think for our selves.
Friday the 13th…!
The number 13 -- an interesting Bible Study
THIRTEEN is one of the most interesting of all numbers. It occurs in 15 verses.
It is clearly associated with rebellion -- Gen 14v4 Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and in the thirteenth year they rebelled. This is the first reference to thirteen in the Bible!
Gen 13v13… But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly. (Note 13 words)
In Gen 13 Lot pitched his tent towards Sodom
Rebellion is found in…Gen 13v13, Mark 13v13, Ezek 13v13 and Rev 13v13
Deut 13 contains the rules for a false prophet whose miracles come to pass. In Rev 13v13, the false prophet of the Tribulation period causes fire to come down out of heaven in the sight of men, a miracle that comes to pass. Since both Deut 13 and Rev 13 have 18 verses, Deut 13 is the key to interpreting Rev 13 (note 18=6+6+6)
Deut 13v13 contains the first reference to the ‘sons of Belial’
1 Kings 13 relates the story of a rebellious Verse 26 (2x13) gives the reason for his apostasy – Rebellion against the word of the Lord)
2 Sam 13 tells the story of Amnon, son of David, who raped his sister, Tamar. The chapter has 39 verses (3x13)
Rebellion is the 26th word (2x13) in Ezra 4v19
Mark 7v21+22 lists 13 things that proceed out of an evil heart.
John 13v26 (13 + 2x13) says, Jesus answered, He it is, to whom I shall give a sop, when I have dipped it. And when he had dipped the sop, he gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon. – Judas Iscariot has 13 letters.
Psa 55v13 contains a prophecy about Judas… But it was thou, a man mine equal, my guide, and mine acquaintance. It has 13 words.
Job 26v13 (2x13 +13) says… By his spirit he hath garnished the heavens; his hand hath formed the crooked serpent.
666 is associated with the number 13 – 2 Chron 9v13, Ezra 2v13, Rev 13v18
Nimrod is the 13th from Adam (Gen 10v6-8)
Gal 3v13… (3 X 13 = 39) Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: CURSE is the last word in the OT (the OT has 39 books i.e. 3x13)
The word ‘dragon’ is mentioned 13 times in Revelation.
Satan turns up in Mark 1v13.
Gen 3v13 – the woman rebels against God and then blames the serpent
Gen 12v13 – a prophet of God is asking his wife to lie! Note there are 26 words in this verse (2x13)
Leviticus 13 – This entire chapter deals with leprosy and the leper. Those who had leprosy were considered ‘unclean’. They had to live ‘away’ from society, they were outcasts. The word leprosy occurs 39 times in Scripture (3 x 13)
1 Chron 10v13 – Here is the record of the death of Saul which contains information about his rebellion against the word of the Lord and his counsel from a witch. Note it contains 39 words (3 x 13)
Job 24v13 – Considering that rebellion is connected to the number 13 it should be of no surprise that the word rebel is located in the 13th verse; it also just happens to be the 6th
Psalm 55v13 – This Messianic Psalm speaks of the traitor Judas Iscariot (13 letters)
Prov 13v13 – people who rebel / despise the word of God.
Ezek 23v13 – There are 13 words in this verse describing the defilement of the Holy City, Jerusalem.
Mat 13v19 – First time the phrase ‘the wicked one’ occurs! ‘Wicked one’ occurs a total of 6 times in Scripture.
Luke 13v16 – a woman bound for 18 years (6+6+6)
There were 12 chosen apostles. Judas is always associated as number 12 in the lists. In Heb 3v1 we are told Jesus is ‘the Apostle’ therefore Judas moves down to number 13
John 13v27 – Notice in this verse, Satan is mentioned entering a man and he does it in a sentence of 18 words (6+6+6). The phrase ‘Satan entered’ is not used anywhere else in the Bible
1 Chron 21v1 – The first time the word ‘Satan’ appears in the Bible is in the 13th book of the Bible. The next time it occurs is in the 6th verse of the first chapter of the 18th (6+6+6) book of the Bible i.e. Job 1v6
Isa 13v1 – This is the first mention of ‘Babylon’ in the book of Isaiah, chapter 13. Note Babylon occurs 13 times in Isaiah.
Mat 26v6 – It is the 26th chapter (2 x 13), It is the 6th verse! The verse contains 13 words and it’s about a leper! Note ‘Simon the leper’ contains 13 letters.
Rev 12v3 – Dragon, the 13th word in this verse; it also occurs 13 times in the Book of Revelation.
This study was done using the KJV1611. The modern day translations and their scholarly translators failed to make the connection-they added to and subtracted from God’s words.
Carpenter- that is all so very interesting to me. Thank you and bless you for posting!!
You’re welcome.
“Violence is the gold standard, the reserve that guarantees order. In actuality, it is better than a gold standard, because violence has universal value. Violence transcends the quirks of philosophy, religion, technology and culture. […] It’s time to quit worrying and learn to love the battle axe. History teaches us that if we don’t, someone else will.” Jack Donovan, ” Violence is Golden”
Someone with a lot of authority should call for a national day of prayer… same day, today. Join me.
H2555 hamas. Hmm..??
It must be exhausting to carry a thousands of year old Hatred for a particular people because that misguided culture brainwashed the next generation. Tragic! Scripture states that “Those who love death HATE God.”
Bring it, goat porker.